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Everything posted by SulisRayne

  1. yaaay
  2. suuuuper relatable
  3. Wow now i want to try this
  4. I personally prefer taller guys, but to each his own
  5. To paint or to write, that is the question... 

    1. Insomnia


      When in doubt, just do it! Lol go paint! Its therapeutic

    2. Omen


      Both. Write and whatever you're writing about paint a picture to match.

  6. What are your favorite anime genres to watch? I mostly tend to check out slice of life, fantasy, and shoujo anime
  7. When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grow up? Were you able to fulfill that dream? I wanted to be a detective when I was in pre-school lol. Then at about 10 or 12, I became interested in archaeology and Egyptology so there were a few years when I wanted to be an archaeologist
  8. What are some of your favorite movie lines and why?
  9. From the album: 32nd

  10. SulisRayne


  11. From the album: 32nd

  12. Spent the weekend nights doing wholesome drinking games with my younger cousins. Definitely didn't feel like I just turned 32 lol

  13. Definitely not lol
  14. That sounds like a lot of fun tbh. Kinda like a dream for an animal lover lol
  15. Oh yeah they have those too. Pretty good
  16. Hey! Nice to see you here 😄
  17. First time I've heard of ranch flavored crickets, and it's definitely one of the weirdest i think. Squid is delicious! (as long as it's cooked with enough herbs and is not overdone). Snails taste good too 😁 although i know a lot of people really find them gross I'm curious - where have you tried unripe mango in fish sauce? It's a favorite snack where I come from lol. I cant stand the smell and taste of durian, but i like it when made into a candy. Snake... Probably just once and then never again lol
  18. What's the weirdest (edible) thing you ate? What's an exotic food that you'd like to try? What's something that you won't eat even if someone gives you a million bucks for it? Lol
  19. What to eat at 3am... 🤔

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Lucifer13


      Homemade peanut butter. 

    3. retrotoons


      Tofu and veggies! 

    4. SulisRayne


      I ended up reading a harry potter fan fic lols

      Also @retrotoonsstop making me eat healthy stuff! 

  20. Omg I haven't heard of TATU in a while! This brings back memories from high school lol
  21. I haven't actually set a goal tbh. I'm just trying to enjoy things one day at a time, saving up for superficial stuff that I want to do or have. Maybe hopefully have enough credibility as an artist or writer and be able to sell my works at a higher cost or have more clients? Idk. I'm not even sure if I want this as a long term career because I'm afraid I'll get burned out and lose my passion. This question actually got me to thinking if I'm being pathetic for not having any concrete plans, but then I saw this quote.
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