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Raynu last won the day on February 21 2022

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  1. lost girl. forever and always
  2. Raynu

    VF Infiltration

    i will always miss vf
  3. i just got a ps5 so ive been cycling through the games ive already played just to get the data on my system. i just replayed resident evil village, im fucking with spiderman as of late
  4. Raynu

    Tat Portfolio

    i did these myself 🤓 and some ON myself
  5. funny thing about that...wicca was made up by a man in the 60s. the 3 fold law is not a valid belief nor is it a rule. it is something that strictly applies to wicca which is basically a young, whitewashed, new age, unbalanced practice. not to sound invalidating, my intention is to be blunt. all other forms of spiritual practice - whether it be voodoo, hoodoo, Appalachian conjure, santeria, etc whole-heartedly believe that if one fucks around, they may find out accordingly. now with all this said...the man is a pedophile.
  6. not a favorite line but my favorite little occult easter egg... so my favorite movie is constantine. and as an occultist who is also an amateur tattoo artist, i am absolutely smitten over the tattoos on his forearms - when put together, they are the alchemical symbol of the red king. tickles my soul
  7. i often fantasize about beating my abuser to death. hes an old man now. i avidly practice folk magick/ or some time of backwoods witchcraft similar to hoodoo. it brings me great relief to regularly curse his health. may water be his enemy 💅
  8. please dont drop in my inbox talking about how fucking lonely you are...sounds like a very personal problem.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Nivram


      kinky...very kinky ^^^v^^^

    3. Rcxy


      😣😣bhwaaaa whaaaa whaaaaaaaa


    4. Raynu
  9. i totally agree
  10. do we take it for granted? or are we the ones who are taken for granted? 😉
  11. thats a very good observation 🙂 not a lot of people notice the mass conditioning... i guess because theyre so wrapped up in being conditions. Their TVs tell them what to do, how to think, how to act, what to where, whats acceptable, and whats to be shunned.
  12. isnt it horrifying? i cant stomach the stuff. in a pinch, when i have no time - ill grab a bite from starbucks ( i know, i know - basic bitch bullshit)
  13. this is deep. some believe they are interconnected. some believe time isnt real.
  14. no its not bad. when i was working up the nerve to do my tattoo i was so nervous about it bc im such a wimp when it comes to pain. A lot of it is positional, too. Certain places are more tender than others.
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