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GothicChurro last won the day on September 30 2021

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About GothicChurro

  • Birthday 01/21/1987

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  1. heres my advice, elder goths can guide you to the right path on a limit the rest is up to you how you go with it.
  2. my dad passed away around august, i have not been the same. ive been losing motiviation on things i love to do but its slowly returning. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. retrotoons


      Damn. I'm sorry for your loss. 😔 if you can, definitely try therapy, it'll help a lot

    3. GothicChurro


      i am in therapy and its helping so much

    4. Rcxy


      Therapy is really good, even without a loss.

  3. those who actually let you in are the real people you keep in life, I'm a schizophrenic its hard for me to connect but i have such amazing friends who let me in. keep your chin up it takes time.
  4. raining in so-cal loving it

    1. Nivram


      "strong"wind storms here in Wisconsin knocking out power for a whole buncha people living next to what was once a "big" tree...


  5. So while installing two new fans to my pc, it somehow made one of the fans to blow out or blow out the motherboard. if its the motherboard i may have to get a brand new pc. 

    1. Pete


      can you test the working fan in place of the one that supposed to be blown out and see if it works?

    2. GothicChurro


      i decided to get a new pc because with  my luck it could be the motherboard. its over 10 years old so it would make sense if its that the problem

  6. Skitz, Love Like Blood, Grim Knights, Project Sanguine *no official title yet* are my own projects for Cisco Realms. I'm in the process of co writing Planet817 Comics' Interview with death while being creative consultant for their power rangers fan series Power Rangers The Lost Ranger, also Creative Editor for Morbidity and All Hallows Eve 

  7. freakin bored no motivation to write today

  8. I didn't feel sick after both, all i had were sore arms and was just sleepy from it.
  9. got it twice only had a sore arm and was very sleepy. didnt feel the needle at all.
  10. I like keaton because he did a good job disguising his voice when he is batman. it felt like Batman Year one which was one of the influences to tim burton's batman film even tho Bruce was batman for two years. wouldve been cool to see how he became batman in the burton universe. also the comicbook batman 89 is actually really good.
  11. havent use this for awhile! been busy with some writing projects and school plus tryin to get my business license to open up  my own publishing comicbook company. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. NikkiAngelus


      Sweet. I rarely see any comic publishers outside the big three so it's refreshing to hear.

    3. GothicChurro


      yeah people were telling me i should write for dc or marvel i told them nah they treat their writers and artists like shit i rather do my own thing have my own deadlines without stressing about it. 

    4. DeathinDarkness


      That's amazing! Best of luck to you in all your endeavors!

  12. I was Suno, Neuromantic, and GothicChurro
  13. its a beautiful day to be inside..

    1. Lucifer13


      Hear hear 🍺

    2. Mihzvol


      IS there a day who isn't?

      Just asking.

    3. Insomnia


      I need a nice sunny day to be outside 😁

  14. hi welcome!
  15. Psychotherapy tomorrow, my therapist would be amazed that I had such a good week. session might end sooner hopefully since I got nothin to discuss for an hour

    1. Insomnia


      Thats good! Keep it up

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