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Everything posted by NerdCake

  1. Hey! 5 kittehs! 😻 Pictures?
  2. Icons! Like VF. Some of the best features of VF was being able to customize so much. Like layouts, avatars, cult layouts, etc.
  3. I'm down. At least your body is going back into the earth a better way than rotting in a box.
  4. I'm still in the beginning stages, Just got the pole to leap to the other side of my island. I'm obsessed lol I don't have many villagers yet to say who's my fav.
  5. NerdCake


    Hey Jenn! I miss your beautiful work!
  6. NerdCake


    Julie! 💓 My bestie 😄
  7. NerdCake


    Hey Julie! 💖 Hey Pete Thanks for making this place, I'm in love with it already!
  8. Hey! 💖
  9. Hey!! Nice to see you here 😄 I'm glad I seen your comment on Sheila's post. z
  10. What about the VF Facebook group? There's a few I think. I just seen @PumpkinQueen post it on someone else status on FB lol I'm sure glad this is here, and with cults!! 😻
  11. NerdCake


    Hey guys, my name is Jesseka, I spent a good chunk of my teenage years in cults on VF. (Not sure if I should admit that or not lol) I went by many usernames, FeedYourAnger, NerdCake, Jesseka, Dragonborn, OccasionalDemons. I've been wandering aimlessly around the internet for somewhere to go but nothing comes even close. This place gives me hope! It's nice to see some familiar faces and emotes here.
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