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Everything posted by Trappernicus

  1. Virgo; 30th August 1958 🦊
  2. It's interesting that the votes for Republicans is leading thus far. Does this imply that Gothics tend to be Republicans? Or in reality I'm the only person who bothered to vote at all? 🦊
  3. To survive in the wild we would need to make many choices that could challenge our personal ethics. Would you kill an animal to feed yourself? Would you kill another human if they threatened you? Would you steal from others to provide for yourself? Would you refuse to follow government orders to submit? Would you be ready to forego comforts such as clothes? The list could continue but these basic questions will raise issues with most people. 🦊
  4. As I was reading your reply such as the lines "paganism mutated into the cult of the hero" and "the hero gave way to democracy ... until we reached our current stage" reminded me of Nietzsche and his stages of development. Whom you touched upon. I personally will take exception to Nietzsche statement that there are "no truths". If I place my hand into flame I will burn myself. This is an inherent cause and effect where the heat will burn and there's no denying this fact. There are other such truths that may be used. Though perhaps some truths are more subjective than objective. More trusted than proven. Perhaps these truths are spiritualist in nature. Your next line "which are adequate to advocate in favour of our survival" and "does not mean that we have managed to immerse ourselves with the truth" I would like to take in two parts. If we consider Darwin's theory of the Survival of the Fittest our we to assume truth favours the most suitable to survive? Or can any truth be applied to both the fit and the unfit for survival? As to immersing ourselves with 'truth' would we first need to agree that there is a 'truth' and that in our fragile limited human existence we are able to fulling understand it to the extent of being aware of our full emersion in it? Or would our limited physical body stop us from ever fulling coming to terms with what either truth or reality is? As you may expect I will take exception to your line "we realize that there is no natural order of anything". As a Christian I have a belief that there is a natural order to the Universe and to Life as we marginally experience it. Which brings me to your last sentence "The most honest thing one can do, could it be freedom?". Do we ultimately have freedom of choice or are our days and lives predestined? Do we understand what Karma and the existential questions that haunt our dreams are founded on? The more answers we seem to arrive at the more questions seem to be created to fill the void that once was our curiosity. 🦊
  5. Easy Jam Cordial Ingredients: 1 Jar Jam 2 Jars Water 1 Jar White Sugar 1 tsp Citric Acid Instructions: Place all ingredients in a medium saucepan. Place over moderate heat and bring to a boil stirring constantly. Make sure the jam and sugar has dissolved into the water creating a syrup. Simmer until liquid becomes slightly thicker and the sugar has dissolved. Strain through a fine mesh strainer to remove excess flesh and pulp. Pour into a clean sealable bottle. Seal and lay on side to help sterilise the top. Refrigerate once cooled. NB: Goes well with Soda Water 🦊
  6. Sounds good. Where might that be? 🦊
  7. On the topic, did you know that there has been a plan to introduce Hippopotami to Florid? 🦊 Florida Hippos
  8. In HG Wells book 'The Time Machine' it describes a future place where society had been divided into two groups. The Eloi and the Morlocks. The Eloi were an effeminate group. Not suited to hard work and living a pampered and privileged life. While the Morlocks were a brutal physical group able to do the labour that kept the Eloi society fed and sheltered. These two in many ways reflected the two societies that were evidenced at the time Wells wrote the book. The working class which did so out of sight. In some cases they worked in the cellar or basement of shops. Perhaps Wells was describing what could happen if things kept developing as they had been. The gap between the two becoming too vast for them work work together. In the experiment with them ice the two groups could also reflect the Eloli and Morlocks. The ones at the top of the structure spent all their time grooming while the ones at the bottom became aggressive. Humanity seems to have a tendency to revert to these two base mindsets. I am reminded at this point of the book The Lord of the Flies. The same division was created between the two groups of boys. Any thoughts or considerations? 🦊
  9. Hello, Any cooks/Bakers? 🦊
  10. Other than a weighty topic for discussion. More people die from Hippo attacks in Africa than any other animal. 🦊
  11. Perhaps the centre is a comfort zone of the centre stays in place and the layers are added overtime. But if the centre is replaced by a new centre and the first is pushed outwards, it would constantly be in transition and hardly comfortable. What about Plato’s Cave. Where reality is created and submission to it i# developed over time?
  12. An experiment with mice found that given unlimited food and habitat the mice reached a point at which they stopped breeding and over time died off.
  13. Bibliophiles is a cult for those who enjoy getting lost in a good book. I have had this cult or group in various gothic social sites over the years; and have always enjoyed sharing reviews on a range of books. Though it's not limited to just books. Recipe books have become popular and many fun recipes have been included. Be sure to check it out. Bibliophiles
  14. If you have a Cult why not promote it here. Post a short bit of information on the purpose and history of your cult along with a direct link.
  15. I would imagine this setup is similar to the old Vampire Freaks. So within the Cult there will be positions for members to take on responsibilities. So post here if you would like to be promoted. 🦊
  16. I remember a story regarding freedom and losing what makes us more than what we want to be. A student told his uni lecturer that he need to take time out from studies. Essentially he want to go off and find himself. The lecturer asked how exactly the student planned on achieving this wonder goal. The student explained he planned on slowly removing all the layers that have been dragging him down and affecting their ability to feel they knew who they were. The lecturer thought about this for a moment in deep thought and asked the student a simple question. ”What if after searching yourself and peeling away all the layers you discover you’re an onion?”
  17. I enjoy messing with food. I’ll post some fun recipes here. 🦊
  18. 😴
  19. Select as many genres as you enjoy. 🦊
  20. TPAM Started this Cult.
  21. Post something interesting about the person who posted previously. TPAM
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