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Trappernicus last won the day on February 15

Trappernicus had the most liked content!

About Trappernicus

  • Birthday 08/30/1958

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  1. It asked me a rude question. It wanted to prove I'm human? How rude for sure. They must be Anthropophobic. BTB: My user name is Trappernkcus🧭
  2. So lurkers aren't workers? CROFL I agree peeps need to do stuff for there to be acgivity. But beside that the site needs to be advertised. In some way they could monetise activity. 🧭
  3. That's great. Sorry but I've been offline with life dramas. The usual. If I'm able to promote you kin this group would you be interested in organising a Discord group? 🧭
  4. Trappernicus


    So to be clear, the Statute of Limitations affects Domestic Abuse? "We have determined that allegations of domestic violence fall outside of the statute of limitations, and we cannot prove charges of sexual assault beyond a reasonable doubt," Does this mean that if someone can't intimidate and threaten a person long enough that person will not be able to complain as it happened outside the Statue of Limitations? Creating a technical loophole for aggressive people when called to answer for their crimes? 🧭
  5. I'm looking at this now. I've contacted them asking for one. If this works I'll get in and send you and Invite Code via a PM. 🧭
  6. It's good to be able to visit and touch base with some friends. 🧭
  7. Trappernicus


    Welcome to the new playground. 𝝅
  8. Trappernicus


    Why 𝝅
  9. Now for something completely different. Phonetics is the language behind the way we say the words. Phonetic Translator "This is what we say when we say what we want to say something to someone" "ðɪs ɪz wɒt wiː seɪ wɛn wiː seɪ wɒt wiː wɒnt tuː seɪ ˈsʌmθɪŋ tuː ˈsʌmwʌn"
  10. Could it be that some fish are nocturnal and only can be caught at night? Or maybe shining a light on the water attracts the fish better at night? Just a couple random thoughts. 𝝅
  11. I agree. Getting the word out is one of the best forms of advertising. 𝝅
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