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LizMagix last won the day on May 9 2021

LizMagix had the most liked content!

About LizMagix

  • Birthday June 21

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2,898 profile views

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Omg Liz! Hello 😮

    1. LizMagix
    2. retrotoons


      Covid craziness! :circles:just trying to survive the year. You?

  2. LizMagix

    Post VF

    After the storm
  3. So can we set privacy settings on photos and information?  Cuz there are a few people who I dont know if they are on here but I'd rather not bother with their harassment 

  4. LizMagix

    YeeSam Diaries

    The adventures of YeeSam
  5. LizMagix

    VF London Meet Autumn 2019

    We met up before VF died and had a cute date around London. With 14 apples.
  6. LizMagix

    The Smolest Smol

    Starting over 🤘
  7. Oooh actually this seems to work much better than VF! Well done site owners! 

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