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Nivram last won the day on March 5

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About Nivram

  • Birthday 01/11/1975

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  1. I know this is more than a line but more of a scene...sorry Pete
  2. dav from gonegothic
  3. a friend of mine was taking a leak on a tree in a park and a cop approached him after he was done about public urination and he told him dogs do it here all the time
  4. In the last several years i got hooked on bushcraft videos.
  5. Im Marvin I just hit the big 50 in January Its nice to see a bunch of ya vampires again
  6. Those always lead to cat fights
  7. I easily watched Bohemian Rhapsody 3 times
  8. They dont have an official trailer yet but the one movie that i have to see is Voltron
  9. Oh boy they found the ball pit
  10. first time i ever saw NIN was with Manson and Hole at the University of Chicago. I think it was Manson's first tour. im not a big fan of NIN but ive seen em 4 times cuz he delivers one hell of a show.
  11. This idea was already mentioned by someone else like weeks ago
  12. I almost forgot about this. Thank you for posting this lol
  13. we can be pals but dont ever call me a vamp. Im Marvin
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