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Omen last won the day on July 23 2021

Omen had the most liked content!


About Omen

  • Birthday 02/24/1986

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  1. This is a country tune I put together....enjoy....

    "There is a hole in the wall. What do I see? I see an ugly asshole looking right at me. I can see his eye surrounded in debris, There is a hole in the wall, what do I see?

    There is a mirror behind the wall, now I know who I saw. It was an omen with a ripped off jaw. Hated himself so he took a walk. Walked right off a building embracing the fall.

    There is a video behind the mirror. You should give that thing a view. It's a recording of what you wished was true. When you watch that flick. Omen is watching you. You became the hole in the wall. Because any asshole will do"

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Omen


      Yeah. I come here once in a great while. This site runs faster but I know more people on GW.

    3. DeathPain666
    4. Omen


      Why are there no pictures of yourself? This always makes me wonder if you're pretending to be whom you aren't.

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