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retrotoons last won the day on November 27 2022

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  1. Pretty funny to see my friends being depressed over turning 30. Being 30 isn't depressing, living an unfulfilled life is.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrokenAngel


      Im over 30, not depressed about my age though being over 30 and wanting to hit people sucks cause as an adult that could require bail money lol. Thank goodnes logic always takes over with me XD 

    3. Trappernicus


      When I was told 43 I was told I was the wrong side of 30 to get a job. Now I’m 63 I don’t want to think how far I am on the wrong side of 30. People have become ageist. So many, including the young, now judge someone based on their age. 🦊

    4. battleangel


      My 30's rocked. I had a great time. In saying that I'm now 50 and still having a great time except it takes me longer. 

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