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Shaethecreepshow last won the day on January 4 2023

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About Shaethecreepshow

  • Birthday November 10

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  1. I'm feeling insanely suicidal tonight I won't do it but doesn't make it go away. I'm just so sick of hurting all the time I'm finally thinking I found someone who is actually a good person and genuinely interested just to find out they just want sex. I'm so sick of feeling like s*** all the time. Even though I won't do it I just really wish I could just die already. Life f****** sucks
  2. I have no idea I was wondering the same thing actually. I do like how gothwire watermarks the photos so if you share them on social media people will come to the platform they should do that here.
  3. It's all about self-expression baby bat.
  4. We all start some where
  5. I think is important to have a space even if normal topics come up. We are people too have have some normal interests as well as macaw ones. But I will say at least I feel like if I make post that are deep or philosophical ppl won't act like weird because. We are all weird. Ha
  6. Dude, I fucking hate everyone. I'm going through so much shit and my "friends" keep saying "if you need someone to talk to I'm here". But when I'm in the thick of my emotions and need them.. I'm to much, to emotional. Well fuck, so I don't have anyone who actually cares for me. I think it's time I accepted that. But fuck don't tell me you'll be there if you don't mean it. I just fucking hate everyone. Including myself for needing other ppl. Fuck.
  7. Man let it out. Be angry, speak your mind. Here is the place and now is the time. Let me hear you scream!
  8. Just a little relevations you've come to. Or things you've come to realize.
  9. So I was just taking out the trash at work. And thought what if I just got shot in the stomach and live streams on my Instagram till I died.
  10. Go ahead and post your weird fucked up scenarios that you think about and don't tell people. No judgement plz
  11. Shaethecreepshow

    Isn't it pretty

    I'm just really fucked up and if this isn't allowed let me know and I'll take it down.
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