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About AkashaWolfhaven

  • Birthday 03/05/1977

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  1. Don't ask me why I am sharing this. I guess I'm trying to see who pays attention and who shares the same sense of humor as I do, which I am very easily amused, but it all depends on my mood.
    This I found like a year ago, and it was about a chick who was lead singer in an Indie band who has Crohn's disease, and this Ad was regarding the prescription, Humira whatever. Anyway, I got bored one day and decided I needed a laugh, and I got to thinking about this commercial and how I hated it but found it funny.
    When I found this snapshot written from someone who had thoughts on this commercial, I wanted to die laughing. I'm not sure you'll get the joke, but it was funny. You may not even recall this commercial. It's like almost two or three years old. 


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    2. AkashaWolfhaven


      Who do you think you are? Seriously? 

      Artists are not lazy by nature, and if you feel this way, you better take a good luck in the damn mirror, buddy. You are an artist.  You are a musician right?  You want to laugh at my comments, when you have no idea how much you just contradicted yourself.  A musician, producer, those who draw, take photos, photoshop, or anyone that can create or perform is known as an artist. 

      I did not call you a troll, and I recall saying how I respect your opinion and viewpoint. But the very first comment was a tad rude and unnecessary.  In a way, that is a form of trolling. 

      But when you say artists are cheap and lazy, and you are even admitting this to yourself, why does it appear or why do you write this as it is to be more insulting, rather than based on your opinion.

      You could have fooled me about the sense of humor.  You claim to have an excellent sense of humor, but you cannot even find this post funny?  I have an all around sense of humor. Maybe we both have a different kind of sense of humor.  If your sense of humor is as excellent as you claim it to be, than you would have laughed at this post.  if you did not care about my post, you could have just scrolled right past through and avoided the comment.

      But you go from having an excellent sense of humor, to not liking artists or musicians or singers, and then you want to admit how artists are lazy by nature, etc., but you are knocking your own people.  You are an artist, if you are into being a musician, and if you are a songwriter, you are an artist.

      Artists are not lazy by nature, we are just more precise and patient than most people, and we know the things that are not so important to get done will get done.  That does not mean laziness.  Laziness is when someone puts someone else up to doing their work, and in any business you do need people to do some things for you because you, if you are an indie producer, business owner, or anything that deals with entertainment and arts, you will not have time to do it all.  So that does not make you lazy, it makes your business way more productive and organized, and it saves time.  So, being independent is awesome, but you still need help from others. 

      I just feel you go from one extreme to another with your comments, and you got all ass hurt about a post that really did not have anything to do with music, singers, or musicians.  The point was how I used to hate this commercial but found it funny at the same time, and it was mainly because the commercial was performed by actors, "Ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh ahhhh" is not a song, and they are not a freaking indie band.  I seen that Asian dude as a wedding photographer at the beach in an insurance commercial.  

      You missed the entire point of this post.  So the opinion you posted was respected and appreciated, but at the same time you basically went all extreme with bitterness in your comment that seemed more personal, rather than you actually understanding why I even posted this top begin with?  Yes, I did mention a band, musicians, and a singer,  But it was more or less the kinds oi people in the commercial.

      So, you missed the entire point of my post, as I explained this to you.  Laugh all you want, but I know what the truth is.  If you had an excellent sense of humor, which is usually an all around one, then you would have taken the time to read this post and laughed at the comment the dude wrote.  And, then you go from hating musicians, bands, and singers.  Then saying you are in music and being independent is the way, in which I agree with you on the independent, but you are not going to be a one man band, producer, etc., you are going to need people who can do these things for you.  And I am not saying your attitude sucks because I really do not know you, as a whole, and I am not judging you.

      But at the same time, I do respect and value everyone's opinion, despite how it may appear.  But that does not mean I will take these kinds of comments lying down when I feel it was not necessary to begin with.

      So laugh all you must, and keep telling yourself the things you just told me from these posts.  This switch of being one way to the other shows me indecisiveness, confusion, and the inability to work with others.  It is fine to have an opinion and even write it, regardless how you feel.  But I guess many people do not know the respectful and infamous phrase, "If you have nothing nice to say, say nothing at all."

    3. Trappernicus


      Well stated.

      By any basic definition, a Troll will Gaslight someone. They will say contradictory things while trying to make it seem the target for their perverse game is somehow mistaken. Constantly shifting their position and changing what they say and mean are several ploys Trolls will use.

      To engage with someone who likes Trolling is exactly what they want. It feeds their twisted personality. It creates a sense of privileged empowerment. So they will of course continue to taunt the victim.

      We can try and use logic or reason to attempt an open discussion with them. But that’s not what they desire. They will use any attempt to create a conversation to prolong their sense of power.

      The best approach is to recognise the mentally unstable Troll for what they are and walk away. 🦊

    4. AkashaWolfhaven


      True but I couldn't think of a better term. And I am aware of the term, "gaslighting." I have had waaaay worse comments than this, and it wasn't like the person was gaslighting me, literally.

      But I feel if a person doesn't have any good things to say about a post, they have two choices. The first choice is to scroll past it and not think twice about it. It is like changing a channel or finding another movie to watch on your smart tv apps.  The second option is to either block me or unfollow me.

      I was just speaking about "contronyms." It's a grammatical term that means taking a word that has its true meaning to be contradicted into making the word to mean the opposite. I see many people, and I have been guilty of this too, use many words as contronyms. 

      I mean I had those that would pull these things with me on articles I would share, or if I was speaking my truth about something. And this person's comment was not abusive in the way of "gaslighting."  The video I posted was just for giggles, and I am not out to please everyone. And I am cool with those who do not share my sense of humor.

      I will admit that the word, "trolling," was a bit extreme, but I couldn't think of a lighter term to phrase it at the moment.

      I do respect and appreciate the person's opinion and the feedback. It was not so much the opinion that seemed troublesome and really unnecessary, it was the way it was written and it was the way it was read. 

      I felt the person totally misunderstood the purpose of my status, and this person took it to the left field with it and started dissing musicians, singers, etc., but this person is into the music world. Yes, the post had musicians involved that were actors. But the point was humor and why I hated this commercial and tried to research if these people were even real? And, I found this post and a comment a person wrote about it, to which I found hilarious.

      This person also dissed artists as lazy by nature, and I totally disagree with this. What this person fails to understand is they are an artist too, and I will commend the user for being honest with their nature. 

      But the comment was referring to all of us artists, that seemed to exclude the person writing this comment. Many people reeeeallly do not read between the lines of things.

      This person claims to have an excellent sense of humor, and I do not agree there either. I have a waaaay better sense of humor. At least I am more down to Earth, and do not take things overly seriously. I do take things seriously, don't misunderstand, but I also feel that taking things way too seriously leads to dull and grouchy behavior. Then you would become more uptight, rigid, and frigid.

      I just feel for someone who is into music should not literally bash themselves or anyone who is in the artistic world as lazy by nature, and having that attitude of hating singers and bands, etc., really should not be in thid

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