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Everything posted by BrokenAngel

  1. Hey you lovely lot I just wanted to say hi and tell you that you are amazing and I know some of you are dealing with shit going on and  I hope for just a minute today you realize you matter and the world is lucky to have you. If you grew up or are growing up in a place where you feel like you might be insignificant I promise you that you aren't and you deserve to feel safe, loved and happy. You are worth more than you probably realize and I hope some day that you see that. I am gonna add some numbers here and if you need them I hope you use them. You aren't alone and you truly do have value.

    988 Suicide and Crisis Lifeline

    Child Abuse National Hotline

    Transgender Hotline

    Elder Abuse Hotline

    Veteran's Crisis Line
    988 then press 1

    Rape Abuse Incest National Network


  2. Happy Thanksgiving everyone!

  3. 22 years later we still remember ❤️


  4. How is everyone doing? As the weather changes sometimes people deal with struggles and mood disorders and just wanted to make sure everyone was doing okay ❤️

  5. Thank you for fixing this so I can post again ❤️

  6. Lets see what ya got lol. 


  7. What is everyone up to this weekend?

  8. So yeah today I am gonna be weird lol. People always say this is real or that is real or that is fake or this is fake. How does one decide what is fake and what is real? Think about this. I hope there is more out there. I hope there are vampires and werewolves and fairies and mermaids. I hope there is more than just a world of chaos. If there is another world you have to wonder if we are THEIR nightmares, their dreams and sci fi movies and books. 

    I hope this world hass s much more than what we see with our eyes and I hope it has what fuels our imagincation and makes our hearts race. I hope it has those corners of the world where others live with fangs and fur and wings and scales. I hope that those that IF they exist live within a veil where there is such beauty that not even rational chaos can touch it. Can you imagine such a place? Can you imagine if all the fantasy that we see inspired suddenly transpired?

    If you could see such a world what would YOU want to see?

    1. LordRuss


      One where I am the Pinhead Centobite. That could be fun.

    2. BrokenAngel


      I was having a weird night lol xD 

  9. Just saying 🙂

    pizap (53).jpg

  10. To cute ❤️


  11. So to those who don't know me my name is EB AND I was on VF and now I am here and on HF which was previously GW lol. I sound like a spy lmao. I'm a bit goofy and at times people skills challenged and I dont typically have a filter lol. I am short and fat and have no interest in anyones dingles or dangles besides the person I am married to AND I love to get to know people so hey there, hi and hello!! How are YOU doing? 


  12. @LordRuss keep getting better, Id say hope ya get back to normal BUT since normal is over rated I dunno what to tell ya lol 🙂
  13. ❤️


    1. LordRuss


      How the heck do you do these? I can't find "status" anywhere😂

    2. BrokenAngel


      I get on my profile main page and write it under actvity and it shares a status that I post 🙂

  14. lol xD


    1. b0b


      Omg I laughed so hard a boogey came out...😐

  15. https://nextdistro.org/naloxone
    This could save a life.

    Next Distro: Free Naloxone Access for Impacted Communities — NEXT Distro

    Free naloxone delivered to your door. NEXT Distro is an online and mail-based harm reduction platform that provides naloxone training and distribution.

    1. LordRuss


      Always read the fine print.


      The "free" option reads as they're giving the cops any submitted info since HIPPA non-compliance is made clear on the page & states they intend to share your information with any necessary agencies/ organizations.

      Forwarded it to my cousin who is a lawyer, her explanation confirmed my suspicion....

      "If a sponsor group or the like shows up & you tell them "I simply thought it was a good idea to have in the first aid kit", trust me, in hopes of bringing activity numbers up for the next fundraiser, eventually there will be an unwanted visit from the cops. Be it on a fishing expedition or prolonged harassment."

      While it's fun playing hero, I'll play it safe instead.

      If it's my privacy & quite possibly my personal wellbeing on the line, I'll let those who choose to chase death catch up with it. 


    2. BrokenAngel


      A friend of mines brother lost his life, its not about playing hero its about not wanting someone to have to bury their child or sibling if it could be helped.

  16. What is everyones plans this weekend?

    1. Nivram


      Work but im gonna spend the weekend getting chores done, laundry, clean and arrange my place up. You?

    2. BrokenAngel


      Just been gettin stuff done at home 🙂 Good to hear from you! 

  17. HI and welcome 🙂
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