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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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  1. So yeah today I am gonna be weird lol. People always say this is real or that is real or that is fake or this is fake. How does one decide what is fake and what is real? Think about this. I hope there is more out there. I hope there are vampires and werewolves and fairies and mermaids. I hope there is more than just a world of chaos. If there is another world you have to wonder if we are THEIR nightmares, their dreams and sci fi movies and books. 

    I hope this world hass s much more than what we see with our eyes and I hope it has what fuels our imagincation and makes our hearts race. I hope it has those corners of the world where others live with fangs and fur and wings and scales. I hope that those that IF they exist live within a veil where there is such beauty that not even rational chaos can touch it. Can you imagine such a place? Can you imagine if all the fantasy that we see inspired suddenly transpired?

    If you could see such a world what would YOU want to see?

    1. LordRuss


      One where I am the Pinhead Centobite. That could be fun.

    2. BrokenAngel


      I was having a weird night lol xD 

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