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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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  1. I'm gonna put this out there. I've seen a lot of this and that of kids being disowned for sexual preferences, identity disorders, being abused etc and if that has ever happened to you I am SO truly sorry and you did NOT deserve it. Do not ever let someone make you feel small by their actions because their actions define them not you.

    1. Nivram


      I was actually gonna talk about this last week. The identity thing in my opinion is nothing but a trend. Im going to identify someone by what their birth certificate says. Its simply a childs game and I find it disgusting, but then again in the early 90s I was ridiculed for my sense of fashion.

    2. Nivram


      P.S. Mama Nature will always be more powerful than a chick who wants a policeman haircut.

    3. BrokenAngel


      In my own personal opinion I am female,  was born female, I am female. My DNA says I am female. I get that. BUT I also know for some their identity is psychoogically damaging and why should I care how they identify? If they want me to call them he/she/it/they whatever I will because that is THEIR identity and how they identify themselves doesnt change how I identify myself. Its like if your name was say Alexander and you choose to go by Alex and ask people to call you Alex, well that is your personal preference so why not? Again just my personal opinion 🙂

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