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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17 2024

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  1. When you post a synopsis of your thought process of a movie on a goth site and wonder if maybe it was to sappy lol xD I CAN'T HELP IT I'M WEIRD! lol xD 

    1. Nivram
    2. BrokenAngel


      @Nivramthis was what I posted where I am on another site lol. 

      Ok so bear with the thought process here. Tonight I watched a movie on Hulu called "I am Number Four" and its about a young man whose an alien from a planet called Lorien sent to earth with a protector to save him from the destruction of an alien group called the "Mogs". Nine of them are sent to earth with protectors and the Mogs murder in order and after the first three are murdered he is who they are chasing.

      As he tries to fit in and not stand out, as he has to move from place to place, as he tries to simply exist all he truly feels is alone and wants a connection. As I was watching this all I could think was the dude needed a hug ( yes I am a sap lol). I also thought about a few other things.

      Imagine not being from where you now are and feeling that angst and fear and sadness. Imagine being different and so out of place just seeking something that made you feel grounded, safe, and secure. Isn't that all anyone ever wants?

      I won' lie, I love sci-fi shows. I love the weird and freky, its why Im friends with some of you lol. For whatever reason you might feel this way, if you do, you aren't alone. It's a normal feeling to feel disconnected and I can bet you have something special about you and hold on to that and don't let it go and don't give up. Most importantly be nice to your alien neighbor as long as they are nice and not trying to probe or dissect you 😉

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