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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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  1. Any ideas on how to get rid of a MASSIVE headache?

    *Drank Water

    *Drank Coffee

    *Ate Food

    * Took something for pain ( not my headache meds as cant find those but pain meds lol) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diavolo


      The former as a prevention.


      While your head hurts, Try to lay down on your bed. The darker your room, the Better. The place gotta be very quiet also. With a soft material, like a pillow, a scarf or a piece of fabric, Press gently against your closed eyes. Imagine nice things while doing so. The pressure with a scarf helps a lot if you wrap it around your eyes like a blindfold. You might fall sleep during the process if you are lucky.

    3. Nivram


      Do you have a carbon monoxide leak in your house? That headache sounds terrible. Get well soon :hugs:

    4. BrokenAngel


      Thank you @Diavolo for all the ideas and @Nivramits been doing this for DAYS straight now. Half the time I wanna cry and the other half throw up. Its starting to drive me a wee bit wonky here xD I even turned off the ceiling fan as the whooshing sound was to loud in my ears to my head. 

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