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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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  1. I dont know if anyone needs to hear this but just in case here it goes....

    It's okay to have a bad day.

    It's okay to struggle.

    It's okay to not be like everyone else.

    It's okay to be just who you are.

    It's okay to love who you want to ( as long as it's legal and minors are not involved).

    It's okay to be HAPPY.

    It's okay to simply be.

    You matter. 

    Your happiness matters.

    You have value and self worth.

    Keep shining!


    1. Nivram


      Is it ok for me to wanna go buy a dildo just to simply beat up my housemate...or should I seek a mental health professional in the near future? 

    2. BrokenAngel


      I honestly have NO idea how to handle that but I would wash it first either way lol. 

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