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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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  1. Hey lovelies I know some suffer from seasonal depression and I know things are changing up a bit weather wise and wanted to see how everyone is doing ❤️ How do you handle the weather changes? What is your favorite type of weather? What do you do when the time of year or weather gets you down? Stay fabulous and remember you MATTER ❤️ 

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. introvert


      I'm from Iowa. So yes I do get all the seasons. Walking does help.

    3. BrokenAngel


      @NivramI totally get it! We go from triple digits hot to negative digits cold and I prefer the rain and snow lol. I am getting everything set up for winter cause yeah it is usually cold, even have winter clothe washed and ready as well as jackets and boots out lol. @introvertI keep hearing Iowa has gorgeous Fall weather. 

    4. introvert


      Yeah lots of trees change their color!!!!

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