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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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    2. BrokenAngel


      @Nivram and @DiavoloI have been getting things situated to mail to a friend next month as I have been wanting to send her a present and getting my own doctors appointments set up as they are sending me to a specialist now lol. @Nivramwhat are you grilling and dont say fish lol xD @Diavolowow that sounds incredibly impressive and a lot of work 🙂

    3. Diavolo


      Yeah... But you know What?  F**k Hume.  I'm tired of systematic thinking and I want to do something New. I'm minutes away of buying an electric guitar and fulfill a dream.


      Hey, are you Santa's daughter or something?  You live by giving a lot of presents, which is awesone!

    4. BrokenAngel


      @Diavololol well I am fat and short so I might be related to Santa! lol. I picked up my husbands brothers necklaces today and still have a few more gifts to put together. I shop all year long while everything is on sale so that by the time Christmas comes Im not AS broke as usual lol! I like to do prudent planning lol. 

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