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BrokenAngel last won the day on December 17

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  1. There is nothing weaker than a person who has to put others down in order to lift themselves up. This world needs more kindness there is enough cruelty and stupidity in it. 

    1. Diavolo


      Well, I agree. To make others feel less so that one feels good about him/herself is stupid. It is irrational. But what is the origin of such behavior, if our ancestors organized in small reliable groups to care for each other?

      This problem that you say was not common always. At some point, a collective moral dominated and was installed, which facilitated the type of behavior you comment. What moral is this? Since when it started to rule in many societies?

    2. BrokenAngel


      Im gonna say PMS lol. Being female I know we can be evil lol xD Kidding... Half kidding? I dunno I just dont like people being mean to one another so I had to say something lol. I found out someone I talked to left from here because of a bully and when all the good people are bullied than there is nothing good to read or chat about so DONT BE MEAN PEOPLE!!! 😉

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