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Everything posted by Raynu

  1. i dont fear dying. i need the rest. life has been very difficult for me and i am tired. however, i have this amazing child i'm raising that i owe every part of my being to.. so i have some shit to accomplish before i can just be okay with resting.
  2. strawberries and nutella

  3. My mother passed away on Valentine's Day, and I took a hiatus. I'm around, now. Slowly becoming social again. Life is just so different, now.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. CountDarkness


      my condolences... 🙏

    3. NerdCake


      I'm so sorry :hugs:I lost my Mom last Oct and it's literally one of the hardest things you'll ever go through but the day to day does get easier I promise. If you ever need to talk someone don't be afraid to shoot me a message. 

    4. Raynu


      thank you. it is slowly getting better..

  4. i dont think its a big deal either way. i use to be with someone who threw temper tantrums every time i got a tattoo. it was ridiculous.
  5. well, that would be a relief. both of my parents would still be alive. fuck all that other shit, tbh
  6. well we have that information. but not every abused individual who grew up with no moral compass turns into a serial killer. do you think some of them are maybe born that way? another interesting note to add is that a lot of really fucked up killers suffered multiple good bumps to the head. for example, we have Chris Benoit... with CTE. just things that make you go.. "hmm..."
  7. can we just talk about The Lucifer Effect...? what is it exactly that makes a person like Richard Ramirez, Ed Kemper, or Ed Gein?
  8. marijuana smoothie, Pete 😁
  9. medicated smoothies 😈
  10. whoa
  11. well, not gonna lie. it was the most toxic relationship i ever had. it was 3 years of traumatic bullshit. hes currently incarcerated. its a whole lifetime movie, dude.
  12. theres is also a hydro-cremation option. that ones pretty cool. no pun intended..
  13. id consider it. its better than going in the ground and floating in water for the remainder of my decomposition. before covid interrupted my plans, i was studying to be a funeral director. one of the secrets you learn is there is no such thing as an air tight or sealed casket. its just a marketing ploy to sell. so regardless, if you are being buried - your casket is going to fill with water. We all float down there...
  14. hell yeah! thanks! ❤️
  15. i would LOVE to own a hearse
  16. Resident Evil 8: Village is about to drop in May... So, whatdduya think? I'm always excited for a new RE game, regardless. . .
  17. A friend sent me a link to a free online course (PredictionX: Omens, Oracles & Prophecies) because in my spare time, I love to do a lot of esoteric shit. So, I explored Harvard's hefty list of all of the online classes that are free to audit. So, like, you can take the entire course complete with a final exam. However, if you want the certification, you'll have to pay a fee for that. And from what I can gather, that's different for each class. I'm just passing this info along because I'm sure there's someone who will be interested. Here's the link: https://online-learning.harvard.edu/catalog?keywords=&paid%5B1%5D=1&max_price=&start_date_range%5Bmin%5D%
  18. but back to the sleep paralysis and the shadow figures... what do you think the shadow figures are?
  19. yep, the O's. if youre into rabbit holes, look into the A-, B-, AB-, and O- groups and how theyre different from the positives. theres a theory that they evolved separately from the other group in various ways, etc. I'm O neg. so i think i had covid during the entire month of december but i was never approved for a test because i never had a fever, never lost my taste, and my symptoms werent really bad with the most popular red flags. i just had alot of mucous going on. and it seemed to last forever. i think i just got my voice back to normal. expanding on this topic for the O's ..specifically RH negative O's, some of them are resistant to HIV as well due to mutations in their CD4 cells (which the HIV virus uses to hijack and replicate) these are just some things ive come across, for the sake of entertainment. take with a grain of salt.
  20. Hannibal is fantastic.... just, *chefs kiss*
  21. Raynu


    fuck yea, welcome Churro !!
  22. 😄 happy to be here, my dude 🙂
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