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WutheringHate last won the day on March 4

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  1. a bit of cinnamon is nice too :3
  2. have you ever had butterscotch syrup in your coffee i talk about it all the time lately but it really is the nicest thing
  3. i mean after this coffee which is entirely counterproductive to the whole napping thing but ye
  4. gonna have me a lil nap okay 💤
  5. hello lovelies phew whadda day :die:

    1. MyNameIsJoe
    2. WutheringHate


      very tiring today omg

    3. Omen


      Yeah today was busy for me too. Work blew. Now at the gym, then bowling leagues.

  6. hello darling
  7. your fav mod is offline cause gtg work but

    ill be back later to crack my whip :whip:

    1. BrokenAngel


      LOL have a great day.


    2. Nivram


      crack it on Jet first so he can know what his volunteeerz did to us goffs, goths, and gayths :Y

  8. introduction is now at the top of the chain as it rightfully should be ty pete ❤️
  9. >#1 annual poster/contributor >instrumental in implementing radical vamp change >made 2nd in command and best moderator ever >pete wants to marry me and has my poster on his wall whew we doing good vamp pals keep it up
  10. this is 100% relatable to me yes i'll be nice and help folks out but dont ask me to stop bein a twat
  11. that sounds like the cutest thing ever omg
  12. jams i love making though, especially loving the end result with gingham cloth
  13. i've had a few breads turn out okay, but usually i screw up the yeast to flour ratio, or add a little too much water and it turns into a monstrosity
  14. same tbh and for generating growth on vampyfreaks, it'd be ideal. i mean many old vampfreaks migrated onto platforms like discord anyway, so it's a win win why would you want to torture me im lovely
  15. how would we all feel about having our own vampyfreaks discord server yknow in the event of server outages, updates, downtime etc. or just a place for us to chit chat in general whilst vampmaxxing our field of influence drawback is i know diddly squat about managing a discord server but i got a feeling @Anesiadora would
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