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Status Updates posted by Nivram

  1. man you people are more like DeAdFrEaKs :hmph:

    1. Nivram
    2. Diavolo


      Allow me to second that.


      I come here often not only because of the nostalgia, but because I trully believe that, someday, an interesting comunity may flourish. If not here, at least from here.


      The Goth spirit, wise, illustrated and willing to share, that I beholded in "ancient" times, might be alive. As a "keeper" or "carrier" of that sensitive spirit, I can not give up that chance.

  2. R.I.P Gothwire.

    I just got the news. I learned alot about music from you, and you had a great runway for my air/division when war was unavoidable ❤️


  3. Hybernating ❤️


  4. whats ever left....


  5. Hello everyone 🙂

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Nivram


      camping sounds fun!

      Puerto Ricans in Paris xD

    3. Diavolo


      Indeed! Camping rules 🤘


      Is that movie a comedy? Because I can only imagine fun pictures about it because of the title 😆

    4. Nivram


      It is! In fact the main charachter is a stand up comedian Luis Guzman

  6. I must have this...


  7. BAE (Bacon & Eggs)


  8. Anyone else watch Monster the Jeffrey Dahmer story?

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Nivram


      I guess her house is a mile away from my brothers so imma go check it out this week.

    3. BrokenAngel


      Im starting to worry about what was in those tacos lol. 

    4. Nivram


      I am too, Dahmers fridge and apartment were cleaner than my brothers 😱

  9. welcome aboard 🖤

  10. deuces,

    Pen Day Hoes ✌

    anybody got plans for 4th of Jew Lie weekend? Me?: They found my neighbor above me who had been dead 4 days so im moving, but i will be in my old hood for the parade, a flag, and icecream, have a good one goths...


    just a re:cap 4-de' HandyKapt.

  11. oh how embarrasing :smug:

  12. "If you want to shine like the sun, first you have to burn like it" Adolf Hitler

  13. oweing me money is horrible. Let the next footage be a lesson...


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