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Status Updates posted by BrokenAngel

  1. Did you know that you are an incredible human being just as you are? Did you know you do not need the validation of others to have self worth? Did you know you do not require anyone elses permission to be happy? Did you know that you exist and in that you are someone very priceless and unique in this world? Did you know that at least ONCE in your life you saved someones life through a simple conversation, a kind word, a smile or a small act of kindness? In ome way, in some moment YOU were someones miracle, answer to a prayer or blessing. The world needs you, remember that. 

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. BrokenAngel


      @Nivramnot surprised it would be like stealing from Mother Theresa lol xD

    3. Nivram


      Maybe. But Fred Rogers was a gangster, I mean who else can go before The U.S. Senate, talk and sing for 6 minutes and get a great big fat check to Make Believe Land :daydream:

    4. Nivram


      true story ...


  2. Seriously watching the stupidest movie so far and I love it lol xD Blood Relatives, vamp movie about the complication relationships of family lol.

  3. NEVER be ashamed of who you are ❤️


    1. Nivram


      Oh God, Never :disturbing:

      Hope you and the hubby have a cozy one 🎅

  4. How is everyone doing? What is everyone up to?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrokenAngel


      @Vinlandhope you were able to get some rest 🙂

    3. introvert


      Repainted my large baroque styled acoustic bass guitar and finally finished a few of my sheet music books and photography books now posted for sale with my other books on the independent lulu book publisher site. And also posted my new age keyboard music on bandcamp along with all the other music I have there. Yeah!

    4. BrokenAngel


      @introvertsounds very cool 🙂


  5. What are your Thanksgiving Day plans?

    1. naphya


      definitely going to my grandmas house 🙏 she is the only one who knows hot to cook

    2. Nivram


      good movies 🙂



  6. So... if I collect all the levels/badge things... do I get a cookie @Petelol 😛 Kidding 🙂

    1. Nivram


      You are almost to the finish line 🍪


    2. Pete


      Yes! You will get computer cookie 😆

    3. BrokenAngel


      @Petesugar one please lol 🙂


    You just have to write a letter! Signing up through the USPS website makes it where you’re eligible to adopt a letter!

    SANTA’S ADDRESS: 123 Elf Rd North Pole, 88888

    If your child writes a letter out to Santa and mails it to this address below USPS posts it to the website and someone anonymously will adopt your letter and buy the things or close to it and it will be shipped to your house from “Santa”!!! All you have to do is write the letter. Make sure to include their name, age, favorite color, clothes size, shoe size, and anything they might want or need! Make sure you put your exact mailing address on the envelope when you mail it so that way the person who adopts your letter to play Santa can ship the gifts!


    Noooo one will have your address !!

    You will get a QR code to each child to scan .

    If you would like anymore information got to :


    Find how to get help with paying bills or free stuff.
    Find how to get financial assistance with bills, free items, housing, food, and emergency or long term help for basic needs. There are local agencies near you, listed below by state or program type, as well as national organizations, including charities or government social services. Everything from rent or utility bill assistance to food pantries, mortgage payment help, free health or dental clinics and much more is listed.


    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. BrokenAngel


      I share these resources off and on because we have been in annoying situations before and if I can help someone NOT be in that position I am happy to help 🙂

    3. Nivram


      Thats really nice of you. Milwaukee has lots of recources but sadly they get abused.

    4. BrokenAngel


      @Nivram sadly it does occur sometimes but I would rather share it on the off chance that someone who needs it can use it and hopefully do something to help someone. I cant do a lot for others but I am damn good at finding things people need lol :) 

  9. Sometimes you have to swallow your pride to get things done. I seriously need a drink tonight, what a shame I dont drink lol. 

    1. Diavolo


      What kind of liquid did you use to drink such a bitter pill? You can drink that instead of alcohol.

    2. Nivram


      shames are meant to be broken :nod:

      I was shameless the other night ...I still made it to work somehow 😓

    3. BrokenAngel


      @Nivram @Diavolo LOL you guys are absolute goofballs lol 😛

  10. A friend shared this tonight and Ive heard it 4 times now and prolly gonna keep replaying it lol. 


    You are a fighter, believe me.


    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Nivram


      So glad there aint kids around here cuz i need to take these socks off for starters :lol:

    3. BrokenAngel


      Oh lord help me go to bed goofball lol xD 

    4. Nivram


      Im trying Ash Hoe :gooby:

  11. When you post a synopsis of your thought process of a movie on a goth site and wonder if maybe it was to sappy lol xD I CAN'T HELP IT I'M WEIRD! lol xD 

    1. Nivram
    2. BrokenAngel


      @Nivramthis was what I posted where I am on another site lol. 

      Ok so bear with the thought process here. Tonight I watched a movie on Hulu called "I am Number Four" and its about a young man whose an alien from a planet called Lorien sent to earth with a protector to save him from the destruction of an alien group called the "Mogs". Nine of them are sent to earth with protectors and the Mogs murder in order and after the first three are murdered he is who they are chasing.

      As he tries to fit in and not stand out, as he has to move from place to place, as he tries to simply exist all he truly feels is alone and wants a connection. As I was watching this all I could think was the dude needed a hug ( yes I am a sap lol). I also thought about a few other things.

      Imagine not being from where you now are and feeling that angst and fear and sadness. Imagine being different and so out of place just seeking something that made you feel grounded, safe, and secure. Isn't that all anyone ever wants?

      I won' lie, I love sci-fi shows. I love the weird and freky, its why Im friends with some of you lol. For whatever reason you might feel this way, if you do, you aren't alone. It's a normal feeling to feel disconnected and I can bet you have something special about you and hold on to that and don't let it go and don't give up. Most importantly be nice to your alien neighbor as long as they are nice and not trying to probe or dissect you 😉

  12. How are you doing? 

  13. Hey Little Angels calling to me,
    I lit a candle so you can see,
    I call to you your names this night,
    The veil is thin and you're in sight,
    I send my love beyond the veil,
    My love for you will never pale,
    So Little Angels on Halloween night,
    Keep my candle within your sight.

    ❤️ Happy Halloween Everyone ❤️


    1. Nivram


      Wasnt it you and your husbands anniversary the other day?

    2. BrokenAngel


      Yep we were married on Halloween 16 years ago lol

  14. Today is SOOO much better!! 

  15. Any ideas on how to get rid of a MASSIVE headache?

    *Drank Water

    *Drank Coffee

    *Ate Food

    * Took something for pain ( not my headache meds as cant find those but pain meds lol) 

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Diavolo


      The former as a prevention.


      While your head hurts, Try to lay down on your bed. The darker your room, the Better. The place gotta be very quiet also. With a soft material, like a pillow, a scarf or a piece of fabric, Press gently against your closed eyes. Imagine nice things while doing so. The pressure with a scarf helps a lot if you wrap it around your eyes like a blindfold. You might fall sleep during the process if you are lucky.

    3. Nivram


      Do you have a carbon monoxide leak in your house? That headache sounds terrible. Get well soon :hugs:

    4. BrokenAngel


      Thank you @Diavolo for all the ideas and @Nivramits been doing this for DAYS straight now. Half the time I wanna cry and the other half throw up. Its starting to drive me a wee bit wonky here xD I even turned off the ceiling fan as the whooshing sound was to loud in my ears to my head. 

  16. For those in the UK and shop at Morrisons. Don't go hungry, you have an option. Only one per customer per day is allowed it seems. 


  17. For anyone wondering about my sanity, I have none lol.

  18. When you cant seem to spell and have to make the same thing twice, correccted version lol. 

    pizap - 2022-10-24T233243.020.jpg

  19. She fell from the Garden of Eden you see,
    The first wife of Adam not meant to be,
    She struggled and fought and wouldn't give in,
    Her strength deep inside her was considered her sin,
    Her belly was barren no child to hold,
    Angry at life she refused to be told,
    She wouldnt listen you see to what man had to say,
    Her anger inside her paved her own way,
    Thrown from the garden and left all alone,
    She created a family where no light was shown,
    A mother to demons still to this day,
    Her name is Lilith or at least so they say.

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