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Everything posted by Mistressofdarkness666

  1. Wondering how to delete my account if I wanted to delete it 🤔

  2. Is there any witches from England that know about vampire magick, satanism or witchcraft in general?

  3. I have two cats. I used to have a big rabbit that I called Shadow, another cat (Tiger) and rabbit (Buster) but sadly they became very sick and had to be put to sleep/died. 😭
  4. Are there are witches, occultists, or psychic/sanguinarian vampires here? 

    1. NikkiAngelus


      For what it's worth, I'm a homo vampiris erectus.

    2. Mistressofdarkness666
  5. My long-distance boyfriend/Daddy dom 😍😘

  6. I hate having insomnia 🙄

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Mistressofdarkness666


      I know, it's annoying. I have been awake since 4am.

    3. Pete


      Try over the counter melatonin...it helps

    4. Mistressofdarkness666


      Okay thanks, I will try it 🙂

  7. I'm psychic & a empath and I have had weird paranormal/occult related experiences. I'm not religious but I am a spiritul person and I have always been open-minded about spirituality/paranormal, the spiritual realm, and witchcraft. I have precognition- (intuitively knowing/sensing something will happen before it actually happens) I have been psychic since I was 16 and a empath I had a bad feeling, and felt sad and a depressed and had no readon to feel that and later found out that my grandad had died the same day. My grandparents died when I was 18, at their funerals I mentally (in my mind) asked them if there was a way to prove that there is life after death,then they should return and prove it to me. My house was haunted a few months afterwards, I felt like I was going crazy and I felt one or more spirits following ne around the house. A spirit was standing in the corner of the room and staring at me, it felt intense, a spirit would follow me and stand very close and creepily whisper my name. The creepiest thing that happened was when I was watching tv, the door handle rattled as it soneone was touching it and trying to open the door, I was by myself and then the door opened eerily slowly. It felt like a spirit was standing in the doorway and then it came ibto the room and stood very close to me, it felt like all the air in the room was taken out of it if tgat makes sense, because it felt as cold as a meat locker. I put a blanket on myself but I was still very cold, this really freaked me out so I literally ran upstairs to my bedroom. I never saw anyof the spirits but I fekt their energy and presence. Other paranormal experience: This has no explanation, I have no idea what is was. I would sonetimes feel a massive whoosh of energy from the left side of my body, and positive energy around me. It would stand near my bed and I felt energy like from wings flapping near me. I smelt roses or something floral for no apparent reason as well. It happened a few tines. Not sure if it was an angel, fallen angel, demon, entity or sonething else because I didn't visually see it, I just felt it's energy/presence. Other paranormal experience which may relate to experience I just mentioned involves two beings that I didn't see. Something that has sharp claws strached my bedroom door, because it wanted to cone into my room, but another being possibly a angel prevented it from coming into my room. It wasn't my cat because he was outside and he usually meows and s rayches my bedroom dor when he wants to come into my room. (Unfortunately he died) Other experiences I have had were demonic encounters, and a spirit placing their hand on my head and praying for me while I was asleep. My friend confirmed it was a female spirit, placing their hand on my head while i was asleep and praying for me during astral projection.
  8. There are a lot of male actors that are attractive to me 😍 Tom Hilddleston Luke Evans Vincent Perez Johnny Depp Mads Mikkelsen Gaspard Ulliel Hugh Jackman James McAvoy Henry Cavill Johnathan Rhys Meyers Michael Fassbender Colin Farrell Jensen Ackles Jared Padalecki Jason Mamoa Jared Leto Alexander Skarsgard
  9. I'm currently reading about demonology, true crime, esoteric, paranormal romance, novelizations-movie tie in books. Demons & Demonology- Rosemary Ellen Guiley Satanic panic- (Pop culture paranoia in the 1980's) Esoteric books- Konstantinos The Clophill Diaries Paranormal romance- Sookie stackhouse series by Charlaine harris
  10. I binge watched the newest series of Castlevania, catching up season 7 & 8 of The Vampire Dairies. I love the series Lucifer 😈
  11. Isn't this house associated with satanists or a satanist? (Anton Levay/The church of satan)
  12. Libra, 29th September.
  13. Yes I used to be a member on Vampirefreaks. My username was Disturbed_Girl666. I miss the website, some people were funny, and the rest were elitist/narcissistic and talked shit about me. 🙄
  14. I like many genres of music, death metal bands like Mayhem, Belphagor, and gothic metal bands like Cradle of filth, Dimmu Borgir, I love EBM/industrial bands like Ludovico Technique. I like satanic bands or bands that have band members that are a real satanist.
  15. I just want some like-minded friends that like the same niche things as me, that aren't a narcissistic, toxic, two-faced, abusive arsehole! 🙄 

    People that respect me, that accept, appreciate me for who I am. 

    1. retrotoons


      I'm sure you'll find friends like that soon, don't give up!

    2. Mistressofdarkness666
  16. Hello i'm new here, i'm Carly and I am a Libra. I'm psychic & a empath, I have always wanted to learn to use tarot cards, I like reading books about witchcraft. I don't know much about astrology, but I do watch tarot card readings on youtube and I understand the basic meaning of tarot cards. I'm a goth, but i'm not rich so since people are elitist, they reject me just for not having a lot of money/wearing very expensive clothing. People are toxic, salty bitches and suck 🙄
  17. Hi, not sure what to say since i'm shy & i'm a introvert but new here. I miss Vampirefreaks but not everyone there was a good/nice person (in my opinion) and people were bitching about me in the chatroom, when the website existed, and lied about me 🙄🤔
  18. Disturbed_Girl666
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