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Everything posted by Semeicardia

  1. Welcome Holly 😄
  2. Semeicardia


    Welcome 😄
  3. Thank you 😄
  4. Welcome Lacey 😄
  5. Thank you 😄
  6. Semeicardia

    Goth Manip

    From the album: My Art

    A quick photo manipulation of my normal user image. Paler skin,dark hair and beard, red eyes, colored lips and Eye make up. Considering I only spent about 10 minutes on it, I think the results was pretty well.
  7. The much dreaded Writer's Block - a horrible decease: Ideas once vividly poured out from your brain; But now it is hollow and void, but never at peace, The few that you have, you flush down the drain; You think and you think and never get rest, Your mind is a desert, empty and dead; Seeking the bottle, the friend you know best, Numbing your mind, slurring words that you said; It comes to you, in this much drunken state, A method to start your writing again; There is only one way to open the gate, Words flow with blood as you stab with the pen; All that I leave you is this much cryptic note: I am empty and torn, no longer a whole; My mind is far gone; distant,remote; There is no more hope when losing your soul;
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  8. I used to be a Vampire Freaks member 🙂
  9. Thank you Pete 😄
  10. Gorgeous
  11. Semeicardia


    From the album: My Art

  12. Semeicardia

    Fire Dragon

    From the album: My Art

  13. Semeicardia

    The Beast Within

    From the album: My Art

  14. Semeicardia


    From the album: My Art

  15. Semeicardia

    Love Compas

    From the album: My Art

  16. Semeicardia


    From the album: My Art

  17. Semeicardia

    Losing Vision

    From the album: My Art

  18. Semeicardia

    The Dark Poet

    From the album: My Art

  19. Semeicardia

    Eye of the Storm

    From the album: My Art

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