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Everything posted by Pete

  1. Hello! and welcome from the USA!
  2. Pete


    welcome! I don't have a cat but if i had one, i'm sure the furry animal will have more friends than me as well
  3. Pete

    Hello there.

    Alright, lets keep this pg-13 guys? LOL
  4. I like the idea of living in the country side with the farm house and raise chickens
  5. Hello and welcome! 🀘
  6. I personally don't think it's really matter who is taller but I would like to know your thoughts. Would you a woman willing to date a man who is shorter than you? Or you a man willing to date taller women?
  7. One of my vietnamese friends πŸ‘
  8. Pete

    Hello there.

    Hey welcome!
  9. Welcome! Gothwire starting with their new platform i think. They testing out beta or something like that
  10. Pete


    Hi! Welcome to the site and congratulations on getting married soon!
  11. The weirdest thing that I've eaten was unripe mango dipped into sweet/spicy fish sauce I would like to try durian..lots of people cannot eat that so i wanted to try What i wouldn't eat is snake! Certain countries eat them...im afraid of snake just as much as eating snake 🐍
  12. I totally forgot about tatu. Good memories indeed!
  13. The weather is frigid πŸ₯Ά

    1. Raynu


      oof! i cant wait until spring


    2. Lucifer13


      It's only below 40 over here. Spring weather I say :3Β 

    3. skatergirl10


      My weather is crazyΒ 

  14. So what makes humans to do things that is considered at evil? I think it comes down to how they are brought up. Whether or not they were abused as a child or how they were lacking of nurturing from their parents or loved ones. But then you going to ask so what caused them to be a psychopath or murderer if they were abused as child? The answer might have to do with hormone imbalances and the impaired social behaviors, and one of the hormone is called Oxytocin Oxytocin is aka feel good chemical. The neurons of oxytocin needs to be properly nurtured in order to develop. When doing great thing such as receiving love, oxytocin releases and making us feel good. It also being released especially when a mother breastfeeding their baby. Abused child tend to lack in the nurturing aspect growing up. Any animals or humans that are lacking in these receptors for oxytocin tend to act like psychopaths. And as you may know, most of the murderers are psychopaths
  15. I think if J Law and Kristen Steward were to have a kid (hypothetically speaking 😁) Leelee Sobieski would be their kid
  16. That's interesting!
  17. Some of us don't even see a week from now never mind about 5 years from now 😁 but my question for you is: Where do you see your life in five years from today?
  18. Pete

    Meme dump

    I feel attacked!
  19. Really?!? Kristen Stewart? πŸ˜„ Twilight has made her awesome, I like her too! I see that you are into K-pop celebrities. Can I have a shout out to BTS? For me female crush: Jennifer Lawrence
  20. May I ask what kind of phone and which browser on the phone you are using? You can also pm me if you don't want to post it on here
  21. When it comes to these things I am clueless!!!
  22. Medicated smoothie??
  23. For me only if I'm actually i login with new device or browser
  24. I used to drink this all the time few years ago. Not quite sure why I suddenly stopped
  25. Mine probably gingerale!
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