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  1. Last week
  2. It asks me if I was human too when I'm clearly a demon. anyways your username didnt work for me Trappernicus
  3. Earlier
  4. It asked me a rude question. It wanted to prove I'm human? How rude for sure. They must be Anthropophobic. BTB: My user name is Trappernkcus🧭
  5. So lurkers aren't workers? CROFL I agree peeps need to do stuff for there to be acgivity. But beside that the site needs to be advertised. In some way they could monetise activity. 🧭
  6. I cant wait for the Voltron live movie which is being produced as we speak...
  7. what comedy anime do you all watch cause Plastic Nee San is great~
  8. Name: Red Favorite Anime: Saint Seiya the lost canvas Favorite Manga: It Takes a Wizard Anything Else: Cowboy bebop, flcl, elfen lied, akame ga kill, Brave 10, Mushishi, Senyuu, Ancient Magus Bride, etc
  9. Nivram


    1. Red



    2. Nivram


      btw you jinxed me. i wiped out on ice yesterday and im in pain 🙃

  10. central standard time 🕘
  11. Nivram

    Hell Nachos

    i just added crushed red pepper to my taco meet. that seasoning added a nice zing to it 🔥
  12. Red

    Hell Nachos

    Maybe I'll add chicken gizzards
  13. ill sign up for Discord in the next couple days and ill let you folks know when i create my acct.
  14. My discord is redthemerchant my icon pfp is almost identical just with a patrick star decoration
  15. Eastern standard time
  16. Pete

    Hell Nachos

    I like it! It's called hell nachos for a reason, right? 👻 the hotter it gets the better it is for me in my opinion
  17. That's great. Sorry but I've been offline with life dramas. The usual. If I'm able to promote you kin this group would you be interested in organising a Discord group? 🧭
  18. Red

    Hell Nachos

    So im interested in making hell nachos for a party and wanted to see different peoples ideas on a recipe of it im leaning more a hot salsa with jalapenos and queso, but what do yall think?
  19. for those not figuring it out when you create it you can skip the dialog area there and create it the adding of photos and such comes after it took me a bit to figure it out
  20. thanks now I can post my dog.
  21. I eat a bowl full of Ramen and watch Ghost Series, I guess like ghost hunters or something along those lines. One Halloween I started and till last Halloween I still have not stopped.
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