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Spud last won the day on May 26 2023

Spud had the most liked content!

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  1. Nooooope 😂 I can barely survive now nevermind in the wild 🥴
  2. Biker mice from Mars 😂
  3. oh that’s so cute!! Congrats
  4. Spud

    validate me pls

  5. Spud

    Hello there.

    idk though my bf might get mad
  6. Spud

    Hello there.

    u tryna get sum? 👀
  7. Met a guy through VF. It’s going prettyyyyy great 😏
  8. i’ve been listening to falling in reverse again recently, forgot how much of a tuuuuune ‘i’m not a vampire’ was 😂
  9. Just a whole lotta pop punk and emo bands tbh also love motley crue, def leppard and some heavier stuff too though
  10. Spud

    Hello there.

    sounds about right 👀 am a potate 🥔
  11. Spud

    Hello there.

    Who tf are you? 🤔
  12. hi uwu

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Spud


      ooooh hi!! i recognise the name 😁

    3. Dysphoria


      Lol I grew out of that name and started going by Dysphoria 😛

    4. GaalaUrh
  13. Spud


    Omg who are u jk hi ily
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