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Everything posted by WutheringHate

  1. yes but hun
  2. i have so many ideas omg like as far as creating css layouts and what not are concerned i am very happy to weigh in there but as far as the current theme is concerned why not at least change the colour scheme to black/purple/red tru vampfreak styleee
  3. are these disabled by default or based on post count or some algorithm or do you just request them anyway idfk
  4. that's like quadruple heyfreaks rn lmao shame they all guests LOSERS
  5. when ppl overly yawn like what you expectin mate a slow golf clap yeah nice yawn, love the yawn man thats just gr8
  6. if it gets yer blood boilin post it right here itt nb pls sticky if the bread builds momentum
  7. three posts in and wanting a hook up my oh my classic vf
  8. vf had its place in space and time we just move on and develop organically the vamp exodus of 2020 aint over yet maybe this will be our new vamp home maybe
  9. i just wanna see the quote function in action cause heyfreaks dont have one ughhhhhhhhhhhh
  10. vampyfreaks is the silliest name out of all the offshoots ive seen but on the plus side it seems to be far more functional so there's that needs more vamp aesthetic tho more bats bats 4 dinner, bats 4 tea
  11. but anyway front page forum just can we not have it as a tiled fomat just looks v silly for a forum imo ty <333
  12. i am the original og vamp vip celebmaxx for 2025 as i was then so i am now namaste darlings <333
  13. this where we vamp now okay


  14. i have a small crew of og vamps on heyfreaks ready to roll we can all help each other out you ykno i got hf referral codes out my wahzoo beautiful monster referred me here today tbf prob of my mass appeal for admin status and repeatedly reportin bugs that aint ever gonna get fixed lol
  15. im here now trust me its gonna get poppin <333
  16. hi lovely ppl <333
  17. who else is here i saw nivram im sure of it
  18. is this where we're all at now :o
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