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Everything posted by WutheringHate

  1. .cAuthorPane_author { color:black; font-weight:bold; font-size:30px ; background: url("https://media.tenor.com/7TsSID1mzUIAAAAM/glitter-purple.gif"); opacity:0.5; } .cAuthorPane_author { border:2px solid; border-color: pink; padding:2px; }
  2. lol i edited the css in my browser's debugger console and it looks fab but omg i do want this okay <333
  3. lol the whole thing is a ghastly eyesore of bats and only i can see it
  4. i should be on the graphic design roster surely
  5. obvs i'm taking the lead here so
  6. @Nivram i see ya lurking why not pull up a chair and shoot the shit for ol times sake
  7. WutheringHate


    hi hun xoxo
  8. i swear i remember you but hell i know how i mean vf yes thats why we're here but anyway hii
  9. in a purely platonic user/admin way ofc i'm not entirely ready for my vampire ovaries to be inseminated
  10. pete i love you and i want your babies
  11. that's right it's me and quite surprisingly not all of my contributions have been mindless shitposting got two site issues fixed befriended the admin goddamn why can't everyone be like me
  12. that would definitely be a very rozz williams of christian death thing he abhored the goth label so much going against the grain like that was so post-punk of him
  13. i typically go with some upbeat schlock pop to get me moving that or modern new wave synth pop la roux is a firm fav with me
  14. 400-600px would be ideal i reckon
  15. i noticed it hasnt overlapped the width of the forum but still looks huuuuuuuuuugeeeeeeeeeee 😮
  16. can you please please adjust the max width when posting youtube links it unfurls full size automatically arghhhh
  17. its extremely difficult for me to pick a singular fav song like most people i live in the moment, either by myself or vicariously through others but this is getting a lot of listens from me atm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZl-ssLKyPE
  18. you got the brass to get things moving

    i like that in a site community admin

    i feel we could be real frens you and i

  19. see how quick pete acts on this he knows his onions does pete
  20. ah well i think it would be a nice lil reward system pete for those who reach a certain milestone what say you
  21. pete i like you i suggest something you're on it like a whippet like the races heyfreaks could learn a thing or too from you
  22. i recognise you from heyfreaks hello fren
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