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Everything posted by WutheringHate

  1. things to do in denver when you're vamp
  2. a nightmare on vamp street
  3. i'll go first fear and loathing in vamp vegas
  4. new signups poppin off

    told yall id get things movin


  5. hey there sweet cheeks :hearts:

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. WutheringHate


      nah anyone can

      i can't guarantee with any degree of certainty that there are actual other people who are vampires since this is a recent offshoot of a former dead goth community but

      give it a go

      failing that, you're more than welcome to participate in any of the space filler threads there's a few flitting about :star:

    3. creatureofthenight


      Alright mate thanks you've been really helpful and sweet. I appreciate it. Hope we can get along from now on as I intend to keep coming here ^_^. Ive checked out the forum and im.gonna comment on one of the threads for starters

    4. WutheringHate


      no probs new fren! :hearts:

  6. hi hun <333
  8. hi new vamp fren :vampire:

    1. ABlackViolet


      Hi, new friend!

  9. welcome mr omen ty for heeding my sage advice xoxo how does the overall feel compare to heyfreaks/other splinter offshoots personally i love a good forum format and this is exactly that
  10. so am i correct in thinking that the default option is not to follow stuff? @Pete if you were to maybe flick the switch we might see substantial growth in days
  11. my side of the experiment was quite interesting:
  12. incidentally, we've had two new sign ups within the last hour, and there is another right now on the online users page, showing as mid registration. while you may wish to thank me for my tireless efforts to rebuild vampire utopia to its former glory, it's not necessary. simply knowing we are working towards making vampire history is reward enough for me. 🙂
  13. this is purely for scientific purposes, using tags as a means to artificially boost activity across the forums (temporarily ofc, let's not go too crazy), while also bringing the most active together to brainstorm on potential solutions to permanently ending the vampire exodus. i'll start with tagging the three most active users that i've noticed so far: @Nivram @Red @Trappernicus also tagging @Anesiadora because me and her = vampire dream team and also @Pete because whatever develops itt could potentially be a game changer and he's the man in the know okay so one thing i've definitely noticed is that users have to manually subscribe to forums, which may account for initial peak activity that quickly wanes. so firstly, how about we all sub to the thread, see how it impact us. you know, for science. another suggestion i have is that users joining a thread, or starting one of their own automatically become subscribed to it, thus negating the subscribe button to begin with. what say you vamp boffins?
  14. also the forums are fairly stagnant i've noticed, with only a few core users at any given time but it's still a very robust platform with plenty of room for improvement hopeully it'll pick up but anyway - welcome!
  15. i would imagine the majority of old school post-vf users like more or less the same thing so you're okay me, i like a wide spectrum of music but with focus towards post-punk, electronica and 90s indie though i have been getting into some charli xcx lately
  16. for all the new vamp pals old and new alike please post here, talk about yourselves, let us know what you like and dislike
  17. so i have a full archive of old vf emotes and you are definitely missing a few including the shocker one

    lemme know if you want them, if i can email them or whatever idk


  18. or bob since they might pop along now <333
  19. i mean it could be a cool feature or wide open to mass abuse what do you think marv
  20. not at all omg okay well maybe a little but i am just perplexed why we can literally tag anyone who isn't in our field of vampire pals shall we say @b0b hi bob welcome to the party
  21. hello darling

    1. Nivram


      boy do i mis you ❤️

      sorry all i have is paper towel, and know how much flare ups🔥 can hurt them thangs . 

      nothin butt love :hugs:

    2. WutheringHate


      vampmaxxin my blackest of hearts :hearts:

  22. are you asking me to wipe on you you have some weird kinks nivram
  23. has anyone made a contrived effort to bring in some of vf's most notable forum posters vermin, hello-kelly, moon, cath, doc_holliday etc. etc.
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