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Everything posted by WutheringHate

  1. #batlips4admin
  2. >became #1 monthly and gaining on #1 annually >actively helped report bugs / site issues >pushed for radical change and succeeded with aplomb >quickly established dominance as best forum poster ever >made sweet love to @Pete (he's the bottom ofc) what have you done to make vamping great again
  3. I mean I don't want to go too far too soon but technically, @Pete has every right to send a one-off bulk notification like we've made some new changes to site functionality, fixed a few bugs etc. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand just sit back and watch 'em scurry in
  4. dw i notice everything and im making pete aware of it
  5. You could chew the cocoa leaf, or do what your ancestral wagon trailers did. Tin it for the campfire. ❤️
  6. Once upon a vamp in Mexico
  7. I'm abusing you by finding every little thing that I feel needs doing and and yelling PETE PETE PETE <333
  8. I think when signing up to most forums, notifications are usually on by default and the onus is on the end user to change it. Also, best admin ever. ❤️
  9. The shield push notif for privacy/cookies is annoying tho, ngl.
  10. Unrelated but I jumped on mobile vampyfriends for the first time and I love how when you go to a thread, it goes straight to the last comment automatically. That's a very nice feature imo.
  11. I'll give you the quick lore. Vampirefreaks was the biggest and most popular goth social network, predating even MySpace with band profiles, models and user created forums and journals to list a few core components. It was a hive of drama and trolling, a real rollercoaster of laughs and tears which came to an end five years ago. But in its heyday, there were numerous sitewide competitions and the VF logo tattoos came out of it. It was comically awful to say the least.
  12. I'm not a forum mod/admin (though I absolutely should be) so I can't really tell you what to do or not to do. But honestly, I don't think anyone is going to mind. Go for it.
  13. Oh my god; core memory unlocked! >vampirefreaks.com tattoos Now that was some absolute cringe from the past, I can tell you!
  14. If I ever get my virgin flesh inked, it should be to commemorate being #1 monthly on vampyfreaks within a 24hr signup period.
  15. I like the idea of this point, the act itself being sacred and spiritual. Thing is, I've never been inked myself, so I wouldn't be able to understand that perspective fully. Anyway, what great stories do we have to tell? What great tales will we pass down to our ancestral brethren that follow when we are dust? Developing a family unit is just a normal aspect of anyone's life, and I struggle to see how that's worth getting inked for (though folks do it all the time). Besides, I just have this comical notion of people getting absurdly tatted for normal pivotal life points, such as: >paid off the student loan >preapproved for higher credit >put downpayment on sibling's wedding
  16. i don't think that's entirely true. like within certain isolated indigenous tribes, yes. tattoos/scarification tend to form a rite of passage, a tale of tribe member progressing through life. but we're not in primitive dwellings, dependent on hunting for survival. we have a sphere of western influence and social factors come heavily into play, mostly by what is deemed as fashionable, trendy, etc (see kat von d, for example) go with what suits you, whatever you fancy. but arguably, there should be an element of artistic flair involved. otherwise it becomes silly.
  17. mid 90s i saw a lot of gigs on the local toilet circuit and it was aiight and all, good times but only a handful of acts went onto becoming successful but 1st biggest gig was nine inch nails at the forum london, 1994 so happy i got to go but wish i could've seen them alongside pwei stateside
  18. WutheringHate


    my interest waned with him after holy wood mechanical animals was peak tho
  19. do you have your old vamp icons

    cause i got a few here if you want em :shmoopy:

    1. Anesiadora


      i have all of them on a hard drive somewhere

    2. Nivram


      more importantly than that do you have any of my old vamp pics :smug:

  20. the good the bad and the vamp
  21. no country for old vamps
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