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Everything posted by WutheringHate

  1. we'll all dine like vamp counts and countesses i promise
  2. i had horrendous backpain all weekend so ordered take out which i always feel a bit guilty about afterwards but oh well but just bought myself a nice joint of beef brisket after work i cant wait to fix up a glaze with that mustard omg
  3. its back and its got bite
  4. no but really the kitchen is my safe space where i love getting absolutely creative af i mean i'm not exceptional or anything but have made a few stunning beef wellingtons in my time also rate my home made mustard ty xoxo
  5. how many of you vampyfreaks fancy yourselves a bit of a diva in the kitchen then ey if so, what's your signature michelin star dish mine's fish n chips
  6. i either have no life, an above average wpm typing prowess or both most likely both
  7. with regards to band involvement, i might have a potential ace up my sleeve
  8. are you mobile postin why not hop on lappy and right click
  9. vamping is FOREVER
  10. not even ironically, ppl went nuts stickerin stuff back in the day tho yea, weather has prob worn them or other shit stickered over lol
  11. check within a ½mile radius of the ol store and i bet theres fkn loads
  12. Well tbf as much of a twat I was on VF, it kinda was my home too. So yes, I'm actively helping however I can.
  13. assuming it does prove fruitful, we could then have a dedicated board for bands to showcase their upcoming gigs anyway i gtg to work but i'm excited to hear everyone's thoughts on this later
  14. as most of us remember, vf was also very popular in the sense that it allowed artists and musicians to have a platform to build their audience. well it might take a while for this particular stone to start gathering momentum, but what if a few of us were so inclined as to reach out to that element of vf? get in touch with a few bands, ask if they wouldn't mind sharing their own vf stories, etc. etc. obviously we're not going to succeed with the top rated bands but for a few that may have had some medium success, it could be nice to hear how vf had an impact on their creative output. plus if we're lucky, they'll drag their fan base along with them. win win
  15. Also, anyone seeking solace within a DV group should be extremely wary of groups set to public, since it's not exactly uncommon for predatory types to create these groups as their own personal honey trap. Stick to close allies within private trusted groups. Sometimes signal boosting isn't the answer.
  16. The idea of a DV group being public anywhere, tbf.
  17. from the golden age of hollywood allison hayes
  18. i'm torn between my desire for the eco friendly, or a true goth brick and mortar mausoleum
  19. my dream home would be a cobbled, thatched roof cottage, in the bleak moors with nothing but the howling winds around me <333
  20. though one thing we could do in true spirit of vampfreak past is implement a recurring contest (i.e. vampyfreak logo contest) winner gets to be featured member or something
  21. imagine if we had vampyfreak stickers right and some of the nyc posters went around covering up old vf stickers i mean we're obviously not going to do that because frankly, we're better than that but even so imagine if
  22. I too remember the ol' -3 and block.
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