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  1. As a side note, story goes that after Jet and the staff announced that contest with the tits at the very dawn of VF days, some lewd newds from not entirely legal members have promptly poured in. Hence the immediate termination of said contest and an implemented rule where sluts could no longer openly advertise their tahtahs, else risking Feds to come knock on somebodys door with jailtime for all and a site shut down. So here we all are. Scattered relics, seeking sanctuary elsewhere.
  2. .... why would Vf take responsibility over what their members have going on in their own lives? Also what articles be those? Been on vf till the bitter end and never heard anything like that. People have mental issues and sometimes jump. It happens. It sucks. That doesnt make it the responsibility of sites, games or music artists said people mightve listened too o_0 Also as per dick pics, yes loll. The world is a sewage. Welcome to the internet, tis been like that from its inception *shrug*
  3. Libra Scorp cusp. Not entirely one or the other, but sometimes too much of either.
  4. I feel this so damn much. Except in my case said friends are nowhere to be found, because catering to abusive, deadbeat alcoholic boyfriends who prohibite them from socializing is more important to them than people who endlessly got their back and whos back they claim they got in return.
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