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Everything posted by DementedArcade

  1. Anyone have HighRise?? .-. I need crew members.

  2. © DementedArcade

  3. My High-Rise crew got to rank 360 before we were always at 800-1000 rank. >:) We need more 18+ members to join!!

    Find my account - DementedArcade

    From there you'll see my crew! Request in!!





  4. Join my CREW on HighRise!

    Demented Army!

    If you can't find the crew add me!






  5. 😈 Hello! If you have the game High-Rise on your phone you should join my crew! We are trying to get the first 100 too ranked! So far we are rank 600 with only 28/50 members! We could use your help!! For those who don't have it on your phone download it?! It'd be so helpful. Warning the game can get boring at times. But as long as we do the events we will get great prices. CREW NAME: Demented Army 😈 If you can't find the crew ADD ME! DementedArcade! I'll be waiting 😈
  6. DementedArcade


    *shrug* for anyone who wants to join my DementedArmy.
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