---The Triforce: Ancient Symbology in Zelda - - -
Triforce is the name that the developers have given to the most powerful symbol in the video game they have created: Zelda. As expected, they did not invent such a symbol.
This is a version of Solomon's seal, represented by 2 triangles: one with the vertex facing up and the other with the vertex facing down, which at the same time refer to both the symbol of the mountain and that of the cave.
The triangle with the vertex facing up refers to the Mountain: the polar symbol of the axis of the world. In turn, it is thought of as an icon of the Satya Yuga, contained in Hinduism, and means a Period of truth. Why? Because the image of the mountains is accessible to anyone capable of looking; they are very obvious to anyone, just as the truth was then to everyone. As humanity falls into the Kali Yuga, the period of greatest obscurantism, the truth is no longer apparent to everyone. Now, it is buried inside a hidden cavern, a place that is difficult to access and where the initiates go to die to be reborn. The symbol of the cave, like that of the heart and that of the Holy Graal, is the triangle with the vertex downwards.
The symbology of the cave, then, is closely related to that of the mountain here. There are two ways of expressing this relationship: when the cave is underground and leads to the mountain, it is expressed as in fig. 12. When the cave is expressed as the heart of the mountain, it is expressed as in fig. 13. Dante spoke of a paradise in the center of a mountain, for example. And it is known that Dante was a poet versed in symbology.
The relationship between the two figures can be seen in the symbol of the Hylian shield.