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Status Updates posted by NikkiAngelus

  1. How come do people discuss so little about actual goth stuff on here?
    It feels like this site is drowning in the boring old dead horses about politics and whatnot while the art and entertainment are a secondary topic. Personally I joined this site in hopes of getting away from all that.

    Just saying.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Diavolo


      The fun comes in various forms, dude😎

    3. Trappernicus


      I’m beginning to find your position and opinion and n any subject open for discussion to be dogmatic and reactionary. With little insight or consideration into what others think.

      You seem to blast your opinion and deride anyone who speaks their mind. So what of a drama queen throwing a tantrum when their isn’t enough drama in their life.

      Maybe you could step back and be less confrontational and and more interested in what others have to say?

      Just my considered point of view. And yes, I really am over your attitude. 🦊

    4. Diavolo


      I'm so sorry, sir. But if you are referring to me, I am nothing that you affirmed that I am. You need to know me a lot. Also, you do not say why I am that you say I am. And if you could argue, I would not be interested in debating with a strange sexagenary of the Internet about who I am. I have more important things to do. Meanwhile, I will respect your existence and your ability to think about me what you want.

  2. So my label informed me that my band Sirakh's January debut gets released in Japan on August 25th... Not bad news, not bad at all!

    Sirakh - Crisis of Faith, out soon in the land of Seppukuous pleasures of Sashimi!

  3. Wow, I'm alone on here as I'm typing this post. Be that as it may, it's cool to be back. Sorta.
    Come say hi! ...Or don't.

    1. Gothicluhlex


      Hello 🙂 

    2. NikkiAngelus


      Hey there! Not exactly sure whether this is the correct way to reply your comment, but whatever. Sorry for taking so long to react. Haven't been around. What's up?

  4. I was supposed to do something more productive than sitting on my computer. Oh well... When in Rome.

    1. SkovandOfMitaze


      It happens. I’m so tired I’m not completing even half the chores I wanted to and can’t imagine I’ll even be able to read without dozing in and out. Slowly building up motivation to sweep and do tonight’s dishes snd toss clothes in the laundry and then clean up a mess my cat made by knocking food all over then place while I was at work lol. 

  5. This heat is driving me insane...

  6. Without further ado...
    WormHoleDeath Japan to release the debut album of Finnish band Sirakh on August 25th.
    The debut album of Finnish Dark Alternative outfit Sirakh will be released in Japan on August 25th, 2021. The aforementioned full-length was released in the rest of the world in January, and has gained favorable reviews all around the globe; gathering a small following especially in Latin America and Russia.
    After dealing with internal struggles, Sirakh are currently about to move on to the pre-production phase of their sophomore record. The band has alluded that the future material will be even more polarized than the previous.
  7. The pre-production phase continues at the HQ. I’ve got this cool idea for new merch in celebration of Crisis of Faith’s Japanese release that I hope will see the light of day soon enough.
    The previous idea, much to my chagrin, was a bit too ambitious for myself to carry out alone. Now that the lineup is more stable and I’m settling for a more cost-efficient project, I’m hoping that I’d be able to launch it soon enough.
    Between you and me, overconfidence is one of my biggest pet peeves. I always eat a bit more than I can chew because the quality and image of this band are incredibly important to me. I always want to be two steps ahead of my competition both, artistically and technically. It’s cost me a crap ton of cash, friends, lovers and bandmates. This line of work demands a lot of sacrifices.
  8. It's my duty to share a link to my band's new merch. None of you will buy it, but hey... Don't shoot the messenger. Hah!

    Sirakh merch HERE!

  9. Free CD giveaway!

    Yeah yeah, I know, dead format and all. Be that as it may, I found four copies of my band Sirakh's debut with minor-to-medium fractures on the covers, thus rendering them unsellable. I figured I might as well put up a giveaway on the band's Facebook page.

  10. So #Spotify is willing to pay me ~16€ for ~6k streams (they used to pay me 20€ for 2k back in the day, mind you.) and TikTok pays me nine cents for 15k streams. ...In the words of Andy McCoy: "I mean c'mon, where's the justice there?"

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