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Everything posted by NikkiAngelus

  1. "I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." - Spike
  2. No. I'd like to think so, but realistically there's only the void of cosmos. Everything else is either made up or temporary.
  3. Left, right. Doesn't matter. Both are practically right-wing in the US. Both worship money over human rights. Only the other side hates gays and the other hates them less. The other wants more guns, the other doesn't. Those are the only differences, otherwise they're the same. It really doesn't matter who you vote for in that hell hole.
  4. "Rules are like hearts: Meant to be broken."
  5. NikkiAngelus


    Lex Luthor, Ra's Al Ghul, The Joker. Not necessarily in that order. Oooh! Also Talia Al Ghul is a great one.
  6. Subconsciously taller girls bother me thanks to the standards instilled by our society. Consciously I strive to not giving a shit.
  7. Believe it or not, I'm actually a very... Uhh... Well, not agreeable, but... Not easy-going either, more like a likably angry person in... Well, person. It's the lack of smileys that makes me come off as more rude than I actually am. Make of that whatever you will.
  8. I don't know and I don't care. I identify with the goth aesthetic, collect all kinds of "gothy" stuff in my apartment, like dark colors et cetera. I just refrain from going overboard in dressing like one. I don't feel the need to waste my money on white face paint and overpriced Demonia platforms. Goth originates from punk. Buying overpriced shit doesn't sound at all too punk to me.
  9. I have no intention of buying any overpriced goth brands in order to "look like a goth". I'm a million times more goth than most brats in the malls or wherever they hang out nowadays and I actually know the roots of the culture pretty well. Thus I dare to say that I'm a goth.
  10. About two weeks ago, I had a bit of a nervous breakdown and distanced myself from music. My own and everyone else's. After recovering, I've been really enjoying this one. Also got my creative spark back which is really nice.
  11. How come do people discuss so little about actual goth stuff on here?
    It feels like this site is drowning in the boring old dead horses about politics and whatnot while the art and entertainment are a secondary topic. Personally I joined this site in hopes of getting away from all that.

    Just saying.

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Diavolo


      The fun comes in various forms, dude😎

    3. Trappernicus


      I’m beginning to find your position and opinion and n any subject open for discussion to be dogmatic and reactionary. With little insight or consideration into what others think.

      You seem to blast your opinion and deride anyone who speaks their mind. So what of a drama queen throwing a tantrum when their isn’t enough drama in their life.

      Maybe you could step back and be less confrontational and and more interested in what others have to say?

      Just my considered point of view. And yes, I really am over your attitude. 🦊

    4. Diavolo


      I'm so sorry, sir. But if you are referring to me, I am nothing that you affirmed that I am. You need to know me a lot. Also, you do not say why I am that you say I am. And if you could argue, I would not be interested in debating with a strange sexagenary of the Internet about who I am. I have more important things to do. Meanwhile, I will respect your existence and your ability to think about me what you want.

  12. Not normally, but I got invited to a Halloween party. Time to dig out my vampire teeth.
  13. These dudes are criminally underrated musicians. Especially the guitarist and the keyboardist.
  14. Do you have any tabletop clubs near your area? We have a couple in my city, but I just find the idea of playing DnD with strangers unpleasant. I don't know why, but it's kinda intimate to me.
  15. It's a shame, really. How hard it is to find right-minded people. Then of course committing to a campaign is getting harder and harder with age.
  16. Consoles became pretty much obsolete after the dawn of multi-platform titles. Be that as it may, I've been a Playstation guy since forever. I prefer it over PC. Comfort reasons. Perhaps I'm getting more and more cynical with age, but new games suck. They've released only a handful of good games this year. The ones that come to mind are Dragon Ball Z: Kakarot and... Wait... Red Dead Redemption is older. Scratch that. Be that as it may, I'm a little excited for Gotham Knights and have low expectations for the upcoming Hogwarts game.
  17. I think I'm a little old for actual celebrity crushes. ...Be that as it may, I wouldn't turn down a one night stand with Nicola Peltz. She's hot and filthy rich. What's not to like?
  18. I desperately hope that "The Batman" won't completely suck. My expectations are incredibly low, though.
  19. They're preaching about the end of times every other time. Been there, done that.
  20. Taurus. May 1st. I fail to see how that's relevant, though.
  21. Free CD giveaway!

    Yeah yeah, I know, dead format and all. Be that as it may, I found four copies of my band Sirakh's debut with minor-to-medium fractures on the covers, thus rendering them unsellable. I figured I might as well put up a giveaway on the band's Facebook page.

  22. Just messing with you, man. I don't have any particular needs to expose myself. I don't care if someone else does, though. And sadly, I don't have any sisters. I do have a younger brother, however.
  23. My favorite Batman used to be Kevin Conroy, but I think Bruce Greenwood surpassed him for me on Young Justice. Conroy is a bit more aggressive and emotionally stunted as to where Greenwood's portrayal is more sane and functional while also keeping this commanding, stoic presence to him. He's arguably a little less violent and more dignified than Kevin is.
  24. Now now, I don't see anything vulgar in pride of ownership. It's not that different from showing a picture of your car.
  25. Being from Finland, HIM was absolutely massive when I was growing up. Thus every single band tried to rip off their sound with varying results. Evanescence was somewhat similar to them and I remember really liking them. This was during M(usic)TV's deathbed. By the time I was a teenager, about ten years after Fallen, I grew to love the band. I'm not necessarily as devoted to them as I used to be anymore, but I consider myself a fan of Amy Lee's music. Also their new record was surprisingly good. Jen Majura's guitar solo on Yeah Right is fantastic. She's a fierce player. Overall a good band.
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