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Everything posted by Chepi

  1. Hey girl! I’m still learning how to navigate on this site on mobile it’s kinda confusing I don’t like it 🤣 but how are u?!
  2. Name: savannah Age: 33 Why did you join? Just like hearing other people’s stories from experience they had! I never encountered with any paranormal activity before I find it interesting to read! Anything else about yourself? I’m a big animal crossing obsession nerd of new horizons 🤣
  3. Chepi

    Recent selfies

  4. Chepi


    Hey everyone! So weird doing an introduction of myself again idek what to write so I'm a lil rusty bare with me lol. Well some people might remember me some not but I was under a various of usernames on vfs 😕 but my most recognized one was under legend of zelda_. Savannah x So hey nice to see you all again! 😊
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