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About Fire

  • Birthday 12/19/1989

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Easily. I have a "Survival Guide" which had SAS Soldiers help in writing, and I've read it cover-to-cover like, 3 times.
  2. All the snow turned to ice 😞

  3. Maybe merge the "About me" and "Interest" pages? It just seems like they're the same thing, and you might as well conflate them
  4. Fire


    new social media site, hu dis?
  5. Hello again!
  6. I've met a whole like, 3 women, taller than me my entire life.
  7. I personally have a PS4 and PC My PC can't even cook toast any more, but in the future, I do plan on getting a PS5 and upgrading my PC, and build a second one.
  8. I just spent ages farming The Division 2 for the 25th Anniversary Apparel Event, just so I could run around looking like a Umbrella Operative that closely resembles H.U.N.K
  9. Fire

    Hello there.

    My bad
  10. Fire

    Hello there.

    Always 👀
  11. Fire

    Hello there.

    u hot lemme slide in dem dms
  12. Fire

    Hello there.

    I'm a jerk, who TF are YOU?!
  13. I'm sure I need no introduction, as most of you knew me already. For those that didn't. I'm Fire Previously I went by GhostInMyShell, I was also Shaxx.
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