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Everything posted by MyNameIsJoe

  1. You still refuse to ACCEPT my God-hood? Keep your own God! In fact, this might be a good time to pray to Him. For I beheld Satan as he fell FROM HEAVEN! LIKE LIGHTNING!
  2. I like video games, horror, comics, I'm 36 I have a dog and I spend most my time inside due to being disabled.
  3. im coming with you next year
  4. Black is my favorite color
  5. i just hand out candy to trick or treaters
  6. i just pre ordered killing floor 3 , been playing the new yakuza and dynasty warriors lately both are great
  7. MyNameIsJoe


    Thanks Pete
  8. No but it sounds great
  9. I love naps and coffee
  10. I hate bigots , seafood
  11. MyNameIsJoe


    Hello there
  12. Oz Fest years ago I saw static x and in this moment and lordi there. But I would say my favorite band i seen live is Rammstein
  13. You are my favorite person 

  14. Me love you long time 😚
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