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Everything posted by RookVN

  1. Upsetti spaghetti... I tried to register for a seller's permit/tax ID so I can *FINALLY* open my shop, and it said my SSN was 1) in the wrong format, 2) the wrong SSN, or 3) already in use. But it's in the right format, the correct number (I checked 5 times), and I haven't registered it before. :banghead:

  2. Yeah, he's a scummy piece of 💩.
  3. I do not remember if it was Arlo Guthrie or David Bowie. I was such a small child, that all I really remember was that I was in my grandma's lap for it, 5th row back from the stage.
  4. I'd be okay with that! More for a group costume!
  5. I love dressing up with my fiancé and our kids. We go to as many trick/trunk-or-treats as we can, to load up on candy as well as giving everyone the opportunity to use multiple costumes.
  6. I keep checking to see if my paycheck went thru so I can finally get my seller's permit to open my shop. I'm getting way too impatient. :hyper:

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RookVN


      Thank you!

    3. Nivram


      what kinda shop you starting? not too long ago i met someone on another site who was opening a store that sold nails

    4. RookVN


      I'm gonna sell my hand-beaded jewelry! It's all fantasy-inspired, so I'm gonna try to have a little something for everyone. :D:

  7. I'd be down for a discord server!
  8. This is new and exciting! I missed the old VF so much, so finding this was a blessing. :cartwheel:

    1. WutheringHate


      and it even has the vf emotes too omg

    2. WutheringHate


      and the metal upvote which is weirdly yellow but anyway

  9. RookVN

    Hi hi!

    Hi hi! My name is Rook. I've been in the goth scene since I was about 13, so about 16 years. I'm a pretty open book and love meeting new people, so feel free to say hi!
  10. I cannot for the life of me remember what my old VF was. Probably Dashlei101 or ZeroKureyo or something along those lines. This account name is a rather recent one, since I've changed my name.
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