This one of mine is about madness written with a whimsical touch.
O ‘twas a Starry and Nightly Sight
Boo or grr or ha or ah ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
La, la, la, la, la!
Da, da, da, da, da!
And ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!”
Then once more.
Boo or grr or ha or ah ha!
Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
La, la, la, la, la!
Da, da, da, da, da!
And ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!
Then ta da!
Tick tock, tick tock…
O ‘twas a starry and
Nightly sight.
O ‘twas a Man like a Clock
O Fool! Fool! Fool!
I will ridicule a fool!
Fool! Fool! Fool!
It’s you who
Broke this bloke.
My glass is cracked,
My numbers
Not so black,
And my hands
Won’t go back!
They spin all
Around in craze,
I’m madder with age,
Crazier than a
Thousandth page!
Cobweb on my face
And a spider’s long legs!
Fool! Fool! Fool!
I will ridicule a fool!
Fool! Fool! Fool!
What goes ding,
What goes dong,
What goes
Ding and dong
The hour strikes
Twelve in the light!
Yet it’s night!
What goes ah ha!
Now goes blah!
Who goes nah!
I’m not at awe!
I‘ve been
Here nevermore
And it will be evermore.
I will remind
I’m a grandfather clock
Who has lived his life
With a topper hat
Flaming at the top
As smoke gets hazy.
I have a rustic grain
And all the
Grandmother clocks
Stop and look,
Now I am amazing!
A big fat crack
In the glass!
How mad!
You must
Have been lazy!
How sad!
I’m berserk,
Read the time again!
You mistook!
Now I’m mad as time!
All the time
Going around!
I say to myself!
I will ridicule a fool!
O ‘twas a Golden Pocket Watch
Once upon a time
In the night
In a dreamy state
There was,
“Listen well!
Listen well!
Listen well!
A golden pocket watch
Repeated over and over
Like a heart.
Listen well!
Listen well!
Listen well!
And listen well!
You have been ornery
I have a better story.
At the tingle of
It is mad, mad, mad,
Mad, mad, mad.
Go to sleep my friend
Nonsense is a godsend.
Listen well! Listen well!
Listen well,
Well, well, well, well, well.
My honest madness
Forever pans,
Pans, pans,
Pans, pans, pans!
Once upon a time
In the night
In a dreamy state
There was,
A tick tock and tick!
It was the sound of a
Golden watch!
Tick tock,
Tick tock and tick!
Listen well!
Listen well!
Listen well, well,
Well, well, well, well!
My honest madness
Forever pans,
Pans, pans,
Pans, pans, pans!
“My name is
Tick and Tock
As it is written
On my face!”
All you can ever hear!
Once upon a time
In the night
In a dreamy state
There was,
A tick tock and tick!
It was the sound of a
Golden watch!
The time stopped
And unheard,