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introvert last won the day on September 18 2024

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About introvert

  • Birthday 12/25/1988

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  1. introvert


  2. Hello there, thanks for liking my crazy artworks hehe.

  3. Awfully warm weather for this time of year where I live.

    1. Nivram


      Same here in Wisconsin

  4. hello everybody! 🧐
  5. I bought some books I'll never read at a thrift store. Ten books for $3.00
  6. Anybody else on Allpoetry or Storywrite? I might leave it since nobody really says anything about my works. I get like one comment while everybody else gets multiple comments.

    1. Nivram


      Post away...we need new material around here 😛

  7. This one of mine is about madness written with a whimsical touch. THE DREAM I ONCE HAD O ‘twas a Starry and Nightly Sight Boo or grr or ha or ah ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! La, la, la, la, la! Da, da, da, da, da! And ha, ha, ha, ha, ha!” Then once more. Boo or grr or ha or ah ha! Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! La, la, la, la, la! Da, da, da, da, da! And ha, ha, ha, ha, ha! Then ta da! Tick tock, tick tock… O ‘twas a starry and Nightly sight. O ‘twas a Man like a Clock O Fool! Fool! Fool! I will ridicule a fool! Fool! Fool! Fool! It’s you who Broke this bloke. My glass is cracked, My numbers Not so black, And my hands Won’t go back! They spin all Around in craze, I’m madder with age, Crazier than a Thousandth page! Cobweb on my face And a spider’s long legs! Fool! Fool! Fool! I will ridicule a fool! Fool! Fool! Fool! What goes ding, What goes dong, What goes Ding and dong The hour strikes Twelve in the light! Yet it’s night! What goes ah ha! Now goes blah! Who goes nah! I’m not at awe! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! I‘ve been Here nevermore And it will be evermore. FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! I will remind I’m a grandfather clock Who has lived his life With a topper hat Flaming at the top As smoke gets hazy. I have a rustic grain And all the Grandmother clocks Stop and look, Now I am amazing! A big fat crack In the glass! How mad! You must Have been lazy! How sad! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! I’m berserk, Read the time again! You mistook! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! Now I’m mad as time! All the time Going around! I say to myself! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! I will ridicule a fool! FOOL! FOOL! FOOL! O ‘twas a Golden Pocket Watch Once upon a time In the night In a dreamy state There was, “Listen well! Listen well! Listen well! A golden pocket watch Repeated over and over Like a heart. Listen well! Listen well! Listen well! And listen well! You have been ornery I have a better story. At the tingle of It is mad, mad, mad, Mad, mad, mad. Go to sleep my friend Nonsense is a godsend. Listen well! Listen well! Listen well, Well, well, well, well, well. My honest madness Forever pans, Pans, pans, Pans, pans, pans! Once upon a time In the night In a dreamy state There was, A tick tock and tick! It was the sound of a Golden watch! Tick tock, Tick tock and tick! Listen well! Listen well! Listen well, well, Well, well, well, well! My honest madness Forever pans, Pans, pans, Pans, pans, pans! “My name is Tick and Tock As it is written On my face!” All you can ever hear! Once upon a time In the night In a dreamy state There was, A tick tock and tick! It was the sound of a Golden watch! The time stopped And unheard, Reappeared.
  8. Nice words! I noticed the spelling error in stanza three! Vissions should be visions. Usually I'm the one with all the punctuation and grammar issues, how dare you lol.
  9. Thanks, the first one is an instrumental also. Thanks for listening to it! I've never owned an acoustic guitar, but I have owned an acoustic bass guitar! haha.
  10. introvert

    Nice crap

    Nice electronic music, it's produced well to. I have FL Studio.
  11. EDIT! They wouldn't play on my computer so I just took them down!
  12. MERRY CHRISTMAS! This cult it's alive, it's alive, it's alive! Well hello there. I'm not much into science and politics so much so I didn't understand your response to well to be honest, I don't like to be a liar acting as if I knew what you were saying. Anyways my vocab is not up there with yours also! 😎 I tend to stay away from politics because its driving everyone to hate each other, just like science I think.😭 Here is where I'm coming from. I believe in Christian philosophy.😇 There doesn't have to be a but if you are correct! Eh? I don't want to sound like I know everything because the Holy Bible says you will not know everything while on Earth. There is a book! I mean if a person is Christian or whatever you choose to believe you get different viewpoints concerning reality and how you feel about it, what you decide to do about it and it just goes on that someone suffering might say why me and get totally different answers. Eh, my two cents of knowledge!
  13. I don't ask why anymore everything happens for a reason? 😎
  14. Cool fingernails!
  15. Name: Trent What colors are your theme?: Pink, Yellow, Black How would you describe your aesthetic?: Colorful Little Goth
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