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Jack last won the day on November 19 2021

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  1. Alright, I'm dropping from this site. Honestly, this setup is nice but the sheer amount of conspiracy theorists and misinformation is too much. I don't approve of censorship but I also don't support spreading misinformation as I've seen through my own mother who is mentally ill how it further handicapped her. Questioning, theorizing, etc. is fine. But, "theories" are not facts and I don't approve of treating them as such.

    Peace out, alien babes. 

    - Jack.    :witch:

    1. Nivram


      i know first hand about misinformation. I live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and had to watch the media start a riot by only showing a clip of a cop shooting a dude is his back 7 times, of course they bleep out the part about how the guy was ordered by a judge NOT to go to ex-girlfriend's home, he was wanted for sexually assaulting her, and the part where he reaches for a knife moments after physically resisting a lawful arrest.

      sucks to see you go, but i feel ya :jack:

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