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Everything posted by dermaister

  1. I like the anime, it sorta does have that flaw, but is still really enjoyable. I have also gone to the novel and I am really hooked
  2. Hello
  3. not much, watching my seasonal anime for the day and you?
  4. https://www.anime-planet.com/users/johnpaulIII/manga/reading
  5. I am watching 19 series from the Wintr Mushuko Tensei, Horimiya, Aot Final season, Quints season 2, Log Horizon
  6. Ef Tales of Memories/ Ef Tales of Melodies Amagami SS Lovely Complex Waiting for the Summer Golden Time
  7. Hello
  8. Name: Juan Favorite Anime: Ergo Proxy Favorite Manga: Psyren, Full Metal Alchemist Anything Else: I like to watch anime, usually seasonals and now I am trying to finish most of the long running series too
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