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Everything posted by Rcxy

  1. ๐Ÿ˜ฟ๐Ÿ’”

  2. Rcxy


  3. ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿท
  4. Lovely๐Ÿ’–
  5. "So you think I'm funny? You think I'm here for your amusement? " "I'm gonna get medieval on your ass." "Zed's dead, baby. Zed's dead." "... A calmer mind and perhaps a more sophisticated way of expressing myself."
  6. I dont knnow why he didnt give up the program to those who wanted to keep it going.
  7. I remember.............I think........YES.
  8. Yes it was, a million years and lifetimes ago.
  9. Good to see you again Little Miss Death. I fondly remember your story about the thing in the basement.
  10. I am the same as always and forever, a former Vampire Freak. We had a lot of fun back in the day. Noodles 1234 was a riot, but I only saw him once here. Haven't really seen any of The Old Ones here that I knew. There were some good spirits then, and I shall call them "The Old Ones." The Old Ones that lurk like Night Gaunts on the periphery of vision and reality, a Lovecraftian Crew.
  11. It's all about class struggle bro, even the musick.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Diavolo


      In big industries, the worker becomes part of the machine, even in the music industry. The musician is a worker alienated from the economic benefits obtained through the final product, a proletarian. The owner of capital and the means of production keep the added value of the final product, giving the worker the necessary wage just to stay alive.

      This is analyzed from the historical materialism proposed by Marx as a method to understand how the world works today. What the person who wrote this meant to tell you is that every act carried out within a social context is mediated by the relationship between production, consumption, and who benefits the most from what is produced and what is consumed. And to finish understanding music, it is necessary to carry out a historical materialist analysis of it

    3. NikkiAngelus


      Yes, I'm aware of the basics of Marxism, but still this entire conversation doesn't have any reason to exist.

    4. Diavolo


      Maybe not in this profile, I agree, but such conversation is important.

  12. Rcxy


    All things magical, change in conformity with will, manifestation. Magick: enough said. All traditions and view points are wellcome. Be helpful to each other. Trolls shall perish at the stake.. So Mote It Be.
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