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Posts posted by BrokenAngel

  1. She is so cute!!! Spasm of the rear legs in dogs—also called dancing Doberman syndrome because it mostly affects Doberman Pinschers—is a neuromuscular condition that causes uncontrolled flexing of the hip and of the stifle joint (similar to a human’s knee) while the dog is standing.

    https://www.petmd.com/dog/conditions/neurological/c_dg_dancing_doberman_disease#:~:text=Spasm of the rear legs in dogs—also called,well understood%2C but it has the following characteristics%3A



  2. Enjoy your break though I have no idea who you are lol. Hopefully 2023 is more up to par for your expectations and not to be rude or anything but maybe you should concentrate on bettering yourself and making yourself happy instead of looking to find people who meet your ideal thought of what or who a person should be within your mindset. Not everyone is around to make life more amusing for you and others have things going on 🙂 Either way I wish you the best and I truly hope you take this time to reflect on who YOU as a person are ❤️ 

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  3. @KuroTenshi Years ago when my husbands dad was still alive my husband was dressed in all black and I had painted his face and there was this OBNOXIOUS teen picking on the younger kids. So his dad is all to the kid I DARE you to go up to the big guy and touch him, hes not real what are you chicken? SO the kid walks up to my husband and goes toe to toe and proceeds to start pushing on his face and my husband moved kinda quick and growled and that kid RAN lol, tripped over the sprinkler head and peed his pants with all of his older kid friends there xD Needless to say they quit picking on the kids lol. We did get an egged car the next day but we had cleaned it up quick enough it hadnt done to much damage and was TOTALLY worth it lol. We always gave out candy to the trick or treaters and than watched movies and had so much fun as Halloween is also our wedding anniversary ❤️ 

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