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Everything posted by UncleFester

  1. My gut instinct, and you really shouldn't trust it, would be to burn all bridges, and do your best to strongly dissuade any further correspondence. But there's two reasons this maybe isn't the best idea. One, while I cannot know the vagaries of your situation, that relationship may be salvageable through better communication, but this requires willingness on both sides (sounds like they're not the type to concede though). Second, it is not always so easy to totally cut someone out of your life in this manner, and you'll have to accept, if any, repercussions down the line. Console yourself with the notion that in my case, while I have a fairly good relationship with a foster parent, that person's ex-wife is an absolute monstrosity of a human being. After wresting control of the two kids they had together (as well as material assets), she attempted to completely deny them access to their father, and despite visitation rights, she coerced them into not taking advantage of it. One of them has only begun to speak to me now they've left her shadow. So, tl;dr, everybody has their family shit to deal with, and it could always be much, much worse. No reason to exacerbate things, just set firm limits, and make it very clear that these are, in fact, limits, and not just another arbitrary rule that'll magically dissolve for them when they complain loud enough. She'll either learn to deal with it, or make herself look an absolute fool in the eyes of anyone reasonable.
  2. I didn't like 7 that much. Thought it was good, but disliked the whole first person thing. That being said the setting for 8 looks interesting, they haven't done overtly gothic aesthetic since Code Veronica. It's worth noting that one of the scrapped versions of Resident Evil 4 was to be set in a castle. They often recycle concepts, i.e. the scrapped Resi 3 becoming Resident Evil Revelations. I wonder how evident, if at all, influence from the scrapped Resi 4 will be.
  3. Yeah, there could be a whole host of issues going on there then. I don't know about CTE, but anything that affects the brain, if it occurs as a child or adolescent, has a more pronounced effect as they develop.
  4. It is bound to be. I have raver friends who still do the whole raver thing, I cannot see why cosplay wouldn't be the same. I'm sure upon the lifting of restrictions we're liable to be drowned in a veritable cosplay Renaissance as all the cosplayers who've been working on their stuff the past couple of years crawl out of the woodwork.
  5. Honestly anything that involves blood transmission is just a big no no. Even when doing photography in the forest I have to make sure I have a nice coat of bug repellent on me. I do not want Lyme disease.
  6. I actually remember from back in the day that he filmed this flick where he staged (what was ostensibly merely) a house party where he committed horrific acts on a supposed "actor". This film was never released. I wouldn't be surprised if it was merely a cover for his predatory behaviour.
  7. Honestly, I'm an instant pleb. No milk no sugar. Generally go for Douwe Egberts. Given how much coffee I drink I should probably educate myself a bit more about it other than the upper limit of caffeine consumption, so does anyone have any suggestions as to where to start?
  8. Personally my own conception of evil is to knowingly contribute to the detriment of others for one's pleasure or benefit. The rest is just the scale of the infraction. But ultimately, with regards to the Lucifer Effect, I think the main determinant of non-pathological sadism is fear. If you look at plantations for example, the need to cause pain and suffering was a direct consequence of the slave masters being outnumbered by the slaves, and this is also the case in prisons. If you look at Haiti, this fear was well justified. Creatures like Gein, Ramirez or Kemper are another discussion altogether. There are two general understandings of antisocial personality disorder, and these are contingent on the nature vs nurture argument. I cannot say for Ramirez, but Kemper and Gein had deep seated contempt for women as a consequence of their formative experiences.
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